It’s not bad. I’m most of the way through and while I don’t LOVE it, it’s certainly not the worst thing I’ve watched this month. The “Ladies & Gentlemen” episode is pretty funny and on-point. I give it a 8/10
It’s not bad. I’m most of the way through and while I don’t LOVE it, it’s certainly not the worst thing I’ve watched this month. The “Ladies & Gentlemen” episode is pretty funny and on-point. I give it a 8/10
I ran away from home and camped with my now-husband for 4 days. I only went home because I had a dentist appointment and my last few work shifts before college. I burned my toe and it was the best 4 days of my teenage life.
Very true. SMH at that.
That’s my husband’s reasoning for not wanting to vote next year. (He voted yesterday, I did not but we live in CT so there wasn’t much of import on the ballot. I checked beforehand.) It’s weird, too, because he usually votes 3rd party anyway. I told him that he doesn’t have to, but if Trump, Carson, et. al. gets voted…
Not necessarily. Quiverfull isn’t an organized movement within or denomination of Christianity. It's more of a subset of Evangelicals and/or Baptists. I've seen the term thrown out in my non-denominational (leaning towards Evangelical) church even in reference to families with only 1-3 kids, which seems to be the norm…
My BFF is a skier and over shared on Facebook the other day that his thighs are a pant size bigger than his waist. Maybe that’s why the style caught on, skaters have a similar problem? Either way, still a bad look.
Thank you! I keep threatening to wear it every day. My husband thinks I'm joking...
(I’m grey here but whatever. I need to vent to someone other than my husband.)
Aww, that one made me tear up. Comforting you all till the very end.
I just came to say the exact same thing. What is the point??
Plus meal tax in NH is insane. Last I heard somewhere around 8-9%?
I worked at Build A Bear and the number of parents who dropped their kids off and went Elsewhere was ridiculous. It got to the point where us peons were allowed to say something because it just happened too often and the managers couldn't catch it all.
So much wasted ice cream in the Tyga video. It works if the intention was to be an advert for the dairy industry, though, because I really want some cookie dough ice cream with chocolate jimmies.
I take that as a compliment coming from you. Make of that what you will.
Probably either related to them somehow (ick) or a parishoner at their church (ick).
New Hampshire still has death by hanging, though they haven’t used it since the 70’s IIRC. A lot of people were calling for it in the case of a cop killer a few years back.
I LOVED her on Surreal Life. I’d watch her reality show.