Fat Alonso

I know 5 people that lived in California. All of them made great livings (200k+) and every one of them left in the last 5 years to Texas or Georgia.

Someone needs to make a voice enabled outlet that cuts power to Alexa automatically until you enable the outlet. This voice-enabled stuff is so convenient it just makes sense.

I was in Indy for business and stopped at the museum at the track on the way back to the airport. The museum was awesome and the track is so much bigger than I had imagined!

NYC has the highest taxation level of anywhere in the US last I saw. Freedom indeed.

Be prepared for shakedowns. You’ll have unscrupulous individuals spoofing EU IPs and data trying to find violators and then you’ll get email threats that they will report you unless you pay some amount. A scam certainly, but people will pay up.

Have you ever had a software patch or update that accidentally made other items worse? For example all the iPhone updates that affected battery life.

It would be fun to respond, “Let me run this past my neighbor. He’s a consumer protection lawyer and he loves shit like this. What was your name again?”

There was this one time when a guy pulled up next to me at a red light. He was in like a Ferrari or something and I was in a Civic with a CAI and cat-back. He told me we had to race or he’d kill me and waved around a gun. I told him he’d have to catch me to kill me and I floored it. He tried to catch up, but right

What is your contribution to this issue? Where are you located that exhibits the bio-diversity you feel is adequate?

“Babe we are sitting right on the first base line! I have to bring my glove!”

You think it makes it past the zipper?

Auuughhhhh same here! My soon to be 39 year old ears only heard Yanny the first time and never again.

To be clear, first can we define rape?

Ma ma ma ma maclaren. Crasshh and burn.

I can check and see if Joe Carter’s Batting Glove is available to explain.

Straight pipes solve every problem.

If Price was just a gritty grinder like Pedroia who plays more of a cerebral game.

“In my day we fucked off in the bullpen. Oh, no whacked off. We whacked off in the bullpen. Only during off days of course.”

i am thinking it was a dick pic with some sort of coverage puns like “baby, i always play two deep zone” or “You know i got those come back routes covered”, or perhaps “may i interest you in a little press coverage?”

He’s definitely got a reprimand loomising.