Hey Dudeses

“probably” untrue?

My theory is that a number of their very expensive original shows get embarrassingly low ratings, and their Adam Sandler crap gets the highest ratings, and they don’t want shareholders demanding less quality content and more crap. Refusing to release the numbers allows Netflix to control their own narrative.

Because Kinja ruins fucking everything.

I really don’t know how this is the first time they failed to use that as the header like the AV Club is above the easy gags

Thank you, this is sincerely flattering.

I think it’s more Chutes and Ladders. We know it isn’t Sorry!, because he doesn’t know what the word means.

Trump: “Something my generals said, very surprising, they told me Obama ate doo-doo in meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

As in “The broads are always trying to subpoena my guy”


Looks like everything checks out...

This whole story is total bullshit. More left-wing lies from the lamestream media. Pence does NOT want to ‘hang all the gays’. He is a deeply religious man of unshakable conviction. He wants to stone them.

Mere fact that you calling it “Porg pop” tell me you not ready.

Damn, it’s great to be a man! Seriously, you ladies just don’t know what you’re missing out on. And I’m a white man, too! I mean, how awesome is that? I get to tell everybody else what’s in their best interests without having a damn clue. This world is great!


“Anything over $1,000 sounds good to me.”

great to see AV continuing it’s coverage of Nathan For You.

??? Warmest???

“Warmest condolences” sounds gross as fuck. Like, no, what? There’s no sincerity there. And he was late in sending a message out to the public. President’s shouldn’t get to wait until the morning.

The spot on reality show background music and sudden, tight zoom-ins during the Vancouver segment made me laugh the hardest. Nathan’s bashful wave at the ghost realtor lady after kissing her gave me the giggles too.

And I’m still in the greys despite all my begging / emails. Man, it’s like the site is doing it’s best to make me dislike it these days.