Hey Dudeses

Gimme volume 1 on 4k bluray please. I needs it.


Coach Chris Brown: “Go and beat the other women’s team!”

Lambskin, huh? So, could you use one for a condom in a pinch?

CineCraft wins for the most entertaining and well written comment of the day.

One of my areas of specialization was in Presidential history, and when it comes to assessing Presidents, you can basically have two columns: actions while in office, and personal character.

That killed the movie for me. It completely took away the threat of the raptors. The gymnast girl should never have been in the movie. Lost World has a lot of issues and that’s the biggest one.

Also the hypocrisy of Julianne Moore’s character complaining that they can’t interfere with the natural order of the island,

Wrong. Wrong! Nasty Velocirapstar! This one time, he got 80% when he polled his family. Eric sure was in the doghouse after that one.

Yeah, ...that scene. Counterpoint: that girl was a lot less annoying than the JP 1 brats.

The whole Winnebago scene may have been one of the best executed action sequences ever put to film.

Bro, you’re Chad is dangling.

If you do everything double, it could help explain it.

At this point, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the portrait winked back.

Not pictured: the moment when Trump pointed at the portrait of Jackson, winked and said, “My man.”

It’s like he’s constantly playing chicken with decorum and good sense. You can feel the tension in every the micro-pause. Then he just goes for it. Fuck it, why be a decent human who doesn’t turn the focus on himself or his own petty grievances. Ever?

“I like Indians who didn’t succumb to smallpox.”

This was phenomenal. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen on TV before or ever will again.

“Is that a woman?”

the bit with bill struggling to kill the bee in his hotel room directly after aborting the frances quest...i know nathan’s schtick is often “you’re reading too much into this” (see: starbucks, dumb), but god damn it if this episode wasn’t art.

Maybe I hadn’t been paying attention, but it seems like a trend for comedies to also explore darker themes like lifelong regret and loneliness.