Hey Dudeses

Gimme volume 1 on 4k bluray please. I needs it.

I don’t know. I think I just ate stuff out of her. It was a long time ago, but I know I’ve never done it again.

I loved part 2, but that gymnastic scene where the little girl swings on the Olympic bars and kicks the raptor make it less than JP 1 for me.

When I was with my very first girlfriend in high school, we had food sex and she got some kind of infection due to it. Shit happens.

I have been studying and learning sign language for all of 4 months, so I am not anywhere close to being fluent, but I could tell the first woman had at least watched someone doing sign language for a while beforehand. She had a few moves that were almost words and some that were actual words. But the way she was

I have sent pictures of my dick to my girlfriends in the past, but really only after they’ve sent me pictures of them naked in order to tease me or get me going. I don’t see anything wrong with it if they’ve sent one first, but I am also sure that they didn’t enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed theirs.

I have more than that. I am not sure why, but I have more.

I have more than that. I am not sure why, but I have more.

It’s because other people can just pay money to unlock it. If you don’t want to pay money, you gotta grind.

I was surprised that the mmo wasn’t mentioned too. It was a great mmo when I played it.

Yeah, I get that. I’d be the same way, but I have social anxiety. I can imagine how freaked I’d be if I had to be up there.

I understand your point. The church had their own band and sang just a bunch of generic songs that I’m sure many other churches sang. This was back in the 90's, so whatever church songs were big back then was it. “Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate” is one of the lines I remember. I do feel for the people who had to deal with

Sorry, I read it wrong. You’re right. Sorry bout that.

This was my first time watching a RLCS Final and it was pretty damn exciting. I just got into Rocket League during the Summer, a late joiner, but I’ve enjoyed my time with it so much. Seeing the crazy things that the players can do makes me want to push myself to practice and get to the point where I can do some

I noticed that also. How are you going to say “probably untrue”? That’s basically admitting you may have sexually assaulted a person but aren’t sure.

I blame Kinja. Ever since Kinja they’ve failed to use big butt book as the picture.

They reviewed the premier, but that was more of a recap episode. The actual first episode is unreviewed.

Wasn’t he on Nathan For You last night? And why isn’t avclub reviewing Nathan anymore?

No fake butt, no fake butt. You’re the fake butt!

Thank you for the recommendation, I hardly ever buy drinks at the McDonald’s itself because their fountain drinks cost more and are highly inferior to the taste of the ones at the 7-11 near me. Perhaps I’ll just snake some straws next time I’m there and try them out. As for Chick-fil-a, they do have cool ketchup