Hey Dudeses

I hold a special place in my heart for Top Gun because it was the first movie I saw in theaters. I somewhat remember my dad running me through what a movie theater actually was (A huge room with a lot of seats and a giant tv) before seeing the movie. My young mind was blown. I don’t really enjoy the movie much, but it

I eat at Chipotle at least 2 times per week because they cook better than I am able to. I always take 4 forks with me whenever I eat there so that I can use their forks for other meals and I don’t have to wash a ton of forks at home. I know it’s lazy, but they have the best plastic forks in the business. 4 stars, good

Ah, reminds me of the time we got out friend in trouble with his girlfriend by recording the dancing Jamie Lee Curtis scene onto his tv because we were high and laughing at it so much. Do it....slowly.. Do it....sexy...

I must confess...as a kid, I had to go to my grandma’s house for a month to stay with her and I told all of my friends that I had gotten accepted into a big Nintendo tournament and that I had won and was traveling around playing for people during that time. This was back when the NES was the big console and I guess I

They’re fine. Irma didn’t bother them too much. I think their power even stayed on.

I’m commenting more here, but I hate it more. I lurked a whole lot with the old system after posting for a year or two regularly. Then discus came and made me not happy, but I got over it, went on posting streaks, then stopped. I figure I’ll probably end up dropping this chat as I usually do. The difference is that I

I appreciate it. They’ve shuttered everything and got food and water, plus they live on a higher land, so I am sure they’ll do fine. I try not to worry over things I can’t control.

My father lives in Florida, so I feel totally comfortable about this man controlling what efforts go in to helping him. Rest easy, Donard Termp is gonna save the day.

I didn’t even think there was 24 hours of content showing this chick. Unless it repeats the same videos over and over in a loop forever. I’ve only heard her songs in passing, but from what I’ve read she seems like a big headed egotist.

They’re doing the same thing I did to look at my ex’s facebook page without her realizing it was me. For noncreepy purposes. Come on..... A guy can’t be curious?

Oh, a poster on the av club questioning the snark of the av club when they complain about the snark of another website... Snark much?

Spending my childhood being forced to do church stuff, I have seen a lot of talking in tongues. It never fails in sounding like complete made up garbage. My favorite thing to do as a kid was to clap off beat to their songs and force the section I was in to clap wrong. That and if they made us sing I would sing the

I hit recommend on this post because I don’t like kinja and everyone’s voice should be heard, but I’m not recommending the next one you made as it is clear you are either a heartless trump weasel or a troll.

She’s already here and has a life. She’s paying taxes. I don’t think you’re putting yourself in her shoes. When you’ve lived in America almost your whole life, you’re American regardless of where you were born. We can’t just take someone who has been here since they were a baby and throw them into a country where they

The chick who cuts my hair is one of the people who is covered under DACA... she doesn’t know Spanish and doesn’t have any desire to get sent to Mexico for something her parents did. This whole thing is stupid. They’re going to ruin lives and they don’t care.

I’ll probably be playing Rocket League on and off throughout the weekend and the Escapists 2 whenever my friend is available to play it coop.

RIP Wheat Thicks...gimme that wheat!

Chewbacca fucks anything. Bonthans, Twiileks, droids...he does unspeakable things if he is left alone in the same room as your lightsaber.

I have mild social anxiety which I am prescribed xanax for if I am in a situation that is making me too anxious. I take the smallest possible dose and it does it for me. I’d much rather have a little pot because I remember it calming me down as a teenager. But realistically, Texas lawmakers would rather me take xanax

I’m just an older dude who isn’t hip to what the kids are doing. I looked it up and it said that it was something rappers did to imitate a sneeze made after smoking too much pot. It’ll probably just die out like planking, but you never know. Maybe it stays like the thumbs up.