
When you are a kid, you do not have the language or understanding of molestation. The friend being molested, you as a child - you are not responsible. It was the responsibility of the adults to step in and protect the child. You were a child. Your friend told you, but what were you to do? You knew your mom knew and

This is the first picture I saw with the gray and I liked it. But you’re right, it can look really wiglike

Oh yeah, my whole life. Objectively, I’ve got a PhD and am generally well respected in my line of work, I own a house, have a good job, pillar of society and all that. Internally, I live in a constant shit storm of being convinced I’m on the verge of being unmasked as a fraud, losing my job, becoming homeless, and

This is why you don’t go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.

Burger King has veggie burgers! Man, I would love to try some Indian vegetarian McDonald's.

And they still use beef tallow in the deep fryers. Crazy.

Its the regional menu thing. Why would they complicate their kitchen for an item that is not ordered in that region?

They tried going more healthy when people started to stop going there. (salads, wraps, apple slices, etc.) But people just kept not going. I think we are now in the ‘we’ve completely given up trying that’ stage.

My partner says Burger King offers a decent veggie burger.

I couldn’t tell you for sure since I’m a fat guy that just orders the $1 burgers in bulk, but I have to imagine there’s some sort of salad option they have. My bet is that the worker just has honestly never experienced someone asking for it. :\

I’ve never seen any vegetarian options at US McDonald’s, but Burger Kings sometimes have veggie burgers. I’m not going off a huge sample size, though, so maybe big/hip cities are different. (Although, having had the UK McD’s veggie sandwich, I can’t say America is really missing anything)

In Dubai, they had a veggie burger.

Yes fast food places in the US typically don't carry any faux meat analogues. Some have experimented with them but the majority don't even bother.


All I can say is Holy Shit.

ASDA apparently does not carry this. However, I do agree that wine helps remove wrinkles.

I have three. Only problem is I live alone and therefore do not have enough petting hands for all of them. Which means you guys can get two more!

So the straight edge of the scale lines up neatly with the straight edge of the tile!

I have always considered myself funny looking. Occasionally ugly, sometimes average, on a particularly good day, kinda cute, but definitely not Hollyweird gorgeous. When I was younger I always thought I had a middle aged face on a very young body. I had to grow into my face. I started to look a little better as I