I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.
I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
Rather like that old saying:
Yes, you fucking jackass. That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying.
Why the fuck does Pence always look like he’s about to introduce legislation to outlaw the X-Men?
Only place you can’t put tinfoil.
The way in which they wink and nod and claim that everyone will have access is so disgusting. By that standard everyone in the United States will have access to healthcare in the sense that everyone who can pay for it will be able to get it. By this measure we NEVER had a problem.
Obama was born there, so Donald thinks it’s in Kenya....
God doesn’t exists, next question.
I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out…
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Deconstruction Videos > Destruction Videos
I get so much more pleasure watching this than someone just smashing the product they bought.
Heard in the White House...
This is the longer bit, worth a watch:
Stewart Lee has a great bit about this. It’s about the Conservatives and Labour in the UK but I think it applies equally well here:
9 month old, here.