This gif needs to come out of the greys!
This gif needs to come out of the greys!
But what do you take if you’re not a ginger?
You know when your mouth starts watering before you need to hurl your guts out through every orifice in your face?
Yeah, that’s where I’m at now.
-and I love popping pimples!
Boobs: feminist.
Also, amazeballs.
-me; a dude.
But do they actually eat all that?
It just looks like wanton waste of food to an (admittedly, dumbass) outsider.
Sorry, you just hit something close to home there.
This reminds me, we need to bring back Behind Closed Ovens! NOW!
Ah, well that’s perfectly normal.
Good to know I can still procrastinate at work in a world where most people know a Larson-comic when they see it.
And your lack of affordable health care! HAH!
God, Cheetolini surrounds himself with such disgusting people. -disgusting both on the inside and outside.
Yeah, no charisma or authority, male Shep needs to grow a vagina.
You really notice how much better FemShep is if first you played MaleShep.
I’m always stumped by how good photos from back then can look.
This calls for further intimate studies.
*Amused snort* “Demented A$$monster”, have a star!
Blue Valentine is the only movie I truly regret watching.
If you listen real carefull you can hear little boys all over the world jizzing their pants in unison.