
What the hell, man?

Apropos Xavier’s powers.
(Don’t kill me, I’ve mostly just seen the X-Men films, only read a few comics....I’m more of a Hellblazer and Transmet kind of guy you know...not that there’s anything wrong with X-Men...No, don’t go!)

Yeah, no charisma or authority, male Shep needs to grow a vagina.

You really notice how much better FemShep is if first you played MaleShep.

The film might be touching but that header image sure as hell won’t be giving me sweet dreams.

I’m always stumped by how good photos from back then can look.

Stop please! I can only get so erect!

This I would watch with a constant erection.

Argh, a typo, I want to die.

Maybe his son can help, as I recall he tremendific with the Cyber.

This calls for further intimate studies.

Farming is about to become bad ass.

*Amused snort* “Demented A$$monster”, have a star!

It is! Sadly I can’t take credit for it, I’ve stolen it from one of our many Kinja Masters.

Yes, I believe this is what Cheetolini refers to as “smart”.

“Cheetolini was here.”

Pst! Me too! ...don’t tell anyone.

There is only one practical solution for avid tea drinkers:

There is only one practical solution for avid tea drinkers:

Blue Valentine is the only movie I truly regret watching.