I wish Hayden Christensen was really good at something, so he would go do that.
My average day consists of waiting for stuff to finish and trying to get something done in the mean. Large monitors and dual monitors both allow me to monitor multiple processes, view more screen real estate, and continuously be working on multiple projects without falling behind a bunch of windows.
So i think the moral here is to stop running on a high note!
Since comcast made the switch over to their digital format, I'm unable to pipe signal out of my walls without a box.
@3 Laws of Robotics: I was surprised at how good the chicken salad was mango on it.
It's something that can fade pretty quick too. I used to have a weekly meet-up at BW's and order the Mango Habanero wings. Really enjoyed them and eventually got to the point where they were just delicious and not overly spicy.
I unfortunately ate a lot of hot pockets in college.
@tacotime: definitely take it up to 4gb RAM at the least.
@dragonskin: any cisco cert is generally a pretty valuable thing to have. However it does sort of point you toward being a networking guy. That may or may not be a bad thing.
@timbo11: use offline files in windows, it basically stores a copy of the network drive locally so you can 'work offline.
@muscrv8: I'm actually heading to oktoberfest soon too, and it doesn't appear that all the lodgings are booked yet.
@Alan Rosenthal: Kind of depends on your music selection. I have about 50gb of music, but on any given day i only listen to about 11gb of it. So my 16gb iphone works perfectly. it's pretty difficult to get a smart phone without the data plan nowadays.
Vote: Slick deals
@virgilstar: Of course
Holy crap this is amazing timing. i'm booking a trip today for oktoberfest and after my last international trip realized that I never want to be without my data while abroad again.
@criticman: apparently there is a patch for it in cydia, called PDF patch
@bluegene: that seems to just bring up a map of the area i'm in
@gotellthespartans: Well except now my double click brings up the 'task manager' in my ios4