
Mikkeler has a few restaurants in Norrebro that are really good.  

On another note: GO GREEN!


As you could probably guess, I love cheese. It’s one of the things I’m pickiest about, but I’m not above eating movie theater/gas station nachos.

Frico might be one of my favorite Saturday night snacks (typically prepared while listening to Gary Numan’s “Cars”, I don’t know why but that has become the anthem of cheese

Hey there, author of the site here. I understand your concerns. Let me explain a little more about how the site does the calculation and maybe it will give you a fuller understanding of how much work was involved. Basically (if you change nothing else), the site figures out where the two airports are, then figures out

Ok go for the Juicy Lucy (because i’m not googling that at work)!

It varies from cheese to cheese, but they will start to solidify at room temp, much like Velveeta. They refrigerate find for at least a week. I would reheat them in the sous vide or over a double boiler.

And the photos need to be honest too. Don’t carefully conceal obvious aspects of how you look. I’m going to see what you really look like when we meet up and if there is no physical attraction at all, it’s not going to work and we’ve just wasted time. I wouldn’t expect anything else if I posted misleading photos.


Thanks for the advice ;)

You know, this was my first thought too, but the more I think about it, the more it doesn’t really make sense. For starters, $100 a year is $8.33 a month, which is less expensive than most other music subscriptions. Except it also comes with free shipping upgrades, a movie subscription service, unlimited photo

I think the vacuum/condensation and constant regulated (somewhat direct) heat will offer a different than the braise/hot air + sauce style of a slow cooker.

Even on low (in machines without programmable temperatures), the liquid in a slow cooker can reach boiling. With a sous, we can set to an ideal doneness

Just because you enjoy eating tofu and veggies 24/7 does not in any way mean the rest of us are in the same boat. Given that, why would you expect this site to only cater to your bullshit?

Same here. Also adding lots of healthy fats made a big difference for me and made protein less boring (high fat low carb salad dressing, pure whipped cream with blueberries and strawberries, unsweetened high fat yogurt and stevia sweetened protein powder in smoothies, fatty cuts of bacon, beef, lamb and chicken- Don’t

At least in myself, I describe depression like this - imagine that over time, you realize that you no longer have the ability to feel joy. I don’t mean the kind of short-term pleasure you’d get from having sex or eating ice cream, but the simple enjoyment you’d get from playing video games, watching a movie, or doing