
Just recently upgraded from my staple WRT54G to WRT600N.

I know sometimes I need to eat when i'm tired just for the fuel to stay awake.

@TheAlp: That sounds interesting

I'm a google docs fan, anything like this to autosave/import into google docs?

vote: Pandora

@lgboix: Actually, yes. That did seem to do the trick, except it says projector.

@soldstatic: I think I used FixTunes to do this. There was some other program I also used, but it's name escapes me.

@Dipso: Thank you, I wasn't aware of this hotkey shortcut. Might be a good reason to get off ultra mon.

I'm sorry to admit I snooze 3-4 times each morning, and actually take it into account in my wake up schedule.

@tc4001: If it's not consistently charging, it won't consistently access data. Either your cable is bad or the actual connection on the ipod itself.

Vote: Ultramon

I've had some problems with 1080p content on VLC, I'm getting this right now to see if it resolves anything for me!

@ploopsy: Couldn't agree more.

@archd3: That's why genuine advantage kicks in after a significant hardware change. So yes, MS thought of that, and most of the time they catch it.

Everytime I sync my iPhone I can't get over how slow and clunky iTunes is on Windows.

@herhor: To be fair, comments like this don't help.

@Platypus Man: [despair.com] has decorated every office I've had for 6 years. The noise of my soul being crushed is all the motivation I need.

I use google docs a LOT for online document collaboration, and these features seem pretty awesome.

Certain institutions, such as banks and hospitals, are required to force password expiration.