
As someone currently hunting for an international flight this summer, I have to say that Kayak and farecompare have been extremely helpful tools in planning this out.

Type 'go south' at the XKCD page, grue attack!

@tkuhl87: based on documentation it is, but I can't say for certain

The curtains make me think you're covering a door, not a window.

@mnerd: Hmm it should appear in your applications, and you should be able to run it from there.

I updated mine to 10.6.3 after installing with netbookmaker 0.8.4

Now that delicious advice!

@Buster Friendly: Nice, ya know what I'm going to buy some right now and give it a shot. Thanks.

@lilkeith7: windows home server sounds like something up your alley. It basically creates a website for file sharing and user restricted access.

I don't think paying a fee for a card is a very good idea at all. If the consultant took another day off, maybe they could find a card with equal benefits without an annual fee.

I get up with the minimal amount of time before heading right to work. Usually about 15 mins before I'm out the door in the morning.

Just finished taking a corporate finance class in my MBA. Taught me a lot about stocks, investments, how to do my own research etc.

@hewhoroams: Thanks for all the feedback, received a lot more than I expected!

@cryguy: I think the mac LCD's are overpriced and overrated. I would suggest getting a nicer Mac, and getting a semi-budget LCD.

@Bonsai_halcyon: tempting, I'm ok with doing it Picard style, just not while I'm in my late 20's.

I'm here to admit it; I'm going bald. Or have been going bald for a long time.

@kettlewhistle: Our marketing dept put up some banner type logos to go below the standard signature stuff. It keeps everyone on the same page, and looks pretty decent with a white background.

@cryguy: a 1080p Tv has a resolution of 1920x1080, so as long as your PC can output that resolution, it looks pretty nice.

@Chispea: Check the default send from email in settings-mail, contacts calendar. Might be a corrupted entry or an email address that is no longer available.