
Could be worse.....

not knowing all the words, i suspect.

Ajit Pai has to have one of the top 10 most punchable faces out there.

It was also in The Rocketeer

As an 80's kid, I’ve had a soft spot for this era Z-car. Maybe not as soft as that drivers seat, but dad bod soft. I always considered them way cooler than an equivalent era Camaro or Mustang. Maybe it was the E-series influenced front end, maybe it was the Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto interior and voice alerts. It was

I think you’re really spot on. I used to consider myself a SW fan, I didn’t like TFA or TLJ at all, however I can’t stand to be put into the same group as the psychopaths sending death threats and harassing actors online. I’m just done with it all.

Because Star Wars people are fucking wackos.

I’m guessing you ignored the vitriol around trek or the hateful things around Doctor Who and DC and so on. It’s all fandom and it’s getting worse.

At this point, I feel like every franchise with a rabid fanbase needs to have a disclaimer that appears pre-credits for any new TV show or movie:

The actual hamster has far better luck when it comes to careening around in a metal death machine though.

Surely no coincidence?

It’s like a Circle K.  Strange things are afoot.

Do you have to be the overweight, know-it-all store manager of an underperforming GameStop to own this? Because that’s who I picture driving one of these things.

Now playing

He can change his name all he likes, but that’s fucking Snowball.

And don’t forget Dungeons & Dragons being satanic worship!