
1941 didn’t make the list? how did you guys miss that one?

“Look out, Marshall Lucky. It’s High Prices.”

We laugh, we cried, and someone computer died or needed to be reloaded. I do miss our LAN parties at my friend’s game shop.

my spidey-sense is tingling, telling me to run away and not look back.

No mention of Jebedai Kerman from the Kerbal Space Program in the seat next to Rosie

I would like to add 1941 to this list. 

Never Fear, I is here!

Walk without rhythm and ... you won’t attract the worm”

Oh Yeah!!

Can’t forget Antonio Bay, Northern California 

As long as the Elders of the Internet keep it demagnetized we should be ok. 

I can see using this for Hurricane Prep. always need batteries.

I can see using this for Hurricane Prep. always need batteries.

No Geek Culture is mainstream now. Just look a Comic Con now. The real geeks that went have been pushed out because it is now the in thing to do. Real geek culture died a few years ago. 

They tried this once, but had to take the machines out of the arcade. To many odd things happened to people who played it.  Polybius