
“Good news”?

I would rather see a redo of Robotech. That would be cool less the annoying singing of course.

Nope. No thank you.

.....I’m still waiting to hear the good news.

I love Garriots work and have for decades but his track record with stuff like this isn’t great. Remember Tabula Rasa? Maybe he should focus on justdoing s new single player RPG. Let’s face it the MMO scene is crowded anyway

They’re all waiting for the galactic economy to recover enough for anyone to be able to afford their services.

I like how it looks like a ATM machine.

Yes, “over there” is some precise data.

They’re somewhere in this million square mile area!

So Rick Perry pushed the wrong button on the tour after repeatedly being told not to...

Intelligent aliens won’t care about us until they detect our warp signature that we invent only after our time traveling selves tell us how to make it work. Oh...and we also need to bring whales to the future or something.

Why did they stop?!

All Glory to:


ok you sick pricks, no mention of Star Wars Galaxies after two years??

Now playing

They’re gone because they’re not supposed to be there today.

Sorry I was much more interested in Blomkamps’ story than the piece of shit that Ridley will vomit. Prometheus was one of THE stupidest science fiction films I have ever seen. I have zero faith that Prometheus 2: Xenomorph Boogaloo will be any better.