
My cats know their names and will come when called, but I better have something they want when they get here. LOL

You are going to have all the Stars before the day is over. LOL

You get my star for that. LOL

  my only regret... is that i have... boneitis..  

Play some Genesis and you will be Destroyed. Hammond hates Genesis. 

Give us this guys story.

Guys, My Spidey sense is tingling!! and not in a good way. CP

There are not enough stars in the sky for you.

Das Limpet?

It is things like this that make me think Stupidity should be painful!

Funny you say this, I just found them the other day. They were in a file cabinet I was getting rid of. I had to keep them. When I get home from work I will add a picture.

You sir are right on the money! Same thing I was thinking of when I saw it.

My first time driving alone was in my mom’s Ford Merkur XR4Ti. It was a fun car to drive.  

So the weather proof one makes you look like this.

Now playing

I am just going to leave this here. Enjoy!

I am more of a Draken man.