
You know someone has to keep rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty. This is a scary time to be alive.

They should have called The Wolf.

I second this, They have been great host for me. Been with them for about 11 years now.

I second this, They have been great host for me. Been with them for about 11 years now.

Now playing

So it looks like we will be seeing this soon.

It was called the The Hitler Channel in the 90s. so now its the Fake History Channel now. I watched the Amelia Earhart show on Sunday and was waiting for Geraldo Rivera to show up. 

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I think they need to try this in a jet. Please mute the music.

Not going to see anything Robotech as long as Harmony Gold owns the right to it, and they are very sue happy when it comes to Robotech. 

You sir made me smile.

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I see this and think this must have been the low tech version.  


We know what really happen..

I always have looked at building a Gaming PC in the same light as building a muscle car. The more you learn about how everything works, the more fun you have with it. Welcome to the club.

I thought I would share what is on my computer as the background today.

Damn Right!

Shogunate World Japan during the period from 1185 to 1868.

They must have got Dr. Hax working for them.

I think L Ron Hubbard’s car should have been a 1964 Chevy Malibu.