Hetty Llange

I think Drew called it. There is a 99% chance a flak just dropped a product promotion into Drew’s Funbag. Unless Drew is in on it and he’s now taking sponsorship dollars from BIG SOCK...

Nah, I’m Banquet for life. Two of those combined are 700 cal, 48% from fat (38g), 0g trans fat, but still 24% of my daily fiber. https://banquet.com/pot-pies/chicken-pot-pie and look on in horror, but less horror than Marie Callender.

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Chicken pot pies are not bullshit. Sure, if you spent $5 on a Marie Callender one that takes an hour to bake, la de dah mister moneybags, but the real trick here is to get the Banquet chicken pot pies, you know, the ones in the red box that are five for five bucks if not cheaper.

It’s almost as though wrestling and MMA attract people with anger issues.

She has a picture of herself in the attic that isn’t looking so good. 

That kid looks like he’s about 10 years old. They should probably have him cut more weight so he can compete in a lower weight class and #DOMINATE. A partial college scholarship is worth more than a healthy endocrine system -- unless you’re just weak.

Two “Help me I’m a hostage” faces and one “almost on the brink of tears” face.

I don’t buy into this Conway horseshit one bit. George and Skeletor are simply trying to lay the groundwork for their own Carville/Matalin show/pundit tour post Trump presidency.

why cant anyone call this dumb bitch a whore? 

Some mornings I wake up to pure Twitter gold.

Ben Shapiro vs. the Gravanos?

The way the GOP packs local school boards and purchases books friendly to their views, they’ll likely say Trump was an unfairly persecuted hero.

The italian mafia is all but dead in the US. Believe me. I know. They’re still around but they are nowhere near what they were even 20 years ago. 

It’s adorable that you believe there will still be textbooks in 50 years.

Trumpism is a death cult.

Red Vines suck, they taste weird and plasticy. But RV vs Twiz is a regional thing. My CA husband is RV all the way and I grew up in PA.

I have multiple meetings scheduled every Friday afternoon! Starting with mr martini and quickly being joined by mr Don julio. The meetings have gotten more frequent and intense since Trump became president 


Seriously. Never before has the difference between book smarts and common sense been more stark.