Republican criticisms of Finland are always stupid and they make me very angry. Finnish healthcare is just fine. Finland’s real problem is lack of a border wall with Sweden.
Republican criticisms of Finland are always stupid and they make me very angry. Finnish healthcare is just fine. Finland’s real problem is lack of a border wall with Sweden.
Christ, if I got handed a bill for $60 on the way out of the hospital with my wife and newborn I would be livid, let alone a bill for $12,000. So far, my tab has been a solid $0 Canadian for the births of my two children.
I think you guys need to change your “Land of the free” motto.
Don’t you understand? She’s the expert on other Nations! We must bow to her fundamental superiority in the hierarchy of Knowing Things About Other Nations!
Tragic! I understand one of them was little, and red, and much too fast.
I do legitimately wonder but doubt we could ever start to figure out, how many people are sitting up in jail, framed, railroaded or otherwise unjustly convicted, for crimes they actually did commit?
“Why would I go to a zoo to see a bear when I could just wander around the woods and see if I can find one? I know a guy who saw a bear in the woods once, and he turned out fine. Big Zookeeper is just messing with your head”
I assume, Matt, that being fine with kids getting an illness that, by my recollection, involved being out of school for a goddamned week means that you’re going to also be providing/mandating appropriate sick time for employees who might have a problem with this. You know, the ones who don’t have white collar jobs,…
Yeah, I can’t even fathom the reasoning here.
Remind me to send flowers and a thank-you card to my kidnappers. I wouldn’t want to violate any norms of polite society. /s
Yet another variation on the theme “Why y’all keep bringing up old shit?”
Thank you, Grand Negus. I love sharing your work with the white Midwestern folks on my friends list who think that bitches like this might just have a point. It's funny, I have the ability to read your work as a white person without ever feeling personally attacked.
The really fucking stupid part of all this: purposefully infecting your children just the most dangerous and uncomfortable way to accomplish exactly what vaccines are meant to.
When I was a wee lad in the early 80s (and the vaccine did not yet exist), I contracted encephalitis as a consequence of the chicken pox. I was hospitalized for almost two weeks, including some time spent in a pediatric icu. I could just have easily died.
I miss that show!
Sad times for Dewey Crowe, that’s fer sure!
It reminds me of “The Nice Guys” from a couple years ago. It was a buddy detective movie set in the 70's with Gosling and Crowe. It was funny, a bit violent, and probably better than this.
I would rather see a movie about cult leader Dewey Crowe.
“There’s nothing I want more than to get head on the way home and then be able to tell her about it and fuck her later that night. How can I convince her to let me do this while also being able to tell her about it and be truthful?”
When we were dating, she’d say I could go get blowjobs from someone else, but I always took it as a joke.