My favorite book as a child, even above all my beloved Dr. Seuss. “It’s a dog party!”
My favorite book as a child, even above all my beloved Dr. Seuss. “It’s a dog party!”
Yeah, I was about to chime in on this. If you’re an entertainment writer, you can at least try to get it right. Ion and WE show CM reruns. disclosure: I watches too many reruns. ::pours one out for CM::
I was devastated to learn at 5 that cartoons weren’t real and I could never marry my boyfriend Bugs Bunny.
Seriously! I just went and ‘liked’ it and it only has a total of 319 (likes, loves, and laughs) so far. C’mon people, let’s give this thing some love.
Bury the lede?
Wow. I’m tempted even though I’m ‘getting too old for this shit.’ Elvis, Blondie, Fear, Johnny Marr, Killing Joke, Gary Numan, and many, many more? Pshew. Can you guess when my heyday was, lol?
There will only ever be one Henry V of my heart. I also still listen to Patrick Doyle’s soundtrack whenever I need a pick me up.
It’s The Clash, followed by Zep, The Jam, with the Stones and The Who rounding out the top 5. GNR? Doesn’t even make the top 100.
My kid who lives in LA now received one of those giant turkey fryers from Amazon before the holidays. It was supposed to go to a guy with a whole different name/address, but two different shipping labels (one with her info) were stuck to it all catawampus. The box is still sitting in her living room.
Ya want an even hotter take?
This was just posted on CDAN:
Now I have this stuck in my head:
Thank you! I was scanning for this myself and thought what a weird thing to leave out. Off to make my pittance of a donation now (one of the poors, here).
And this:
As we like to say at the Llange homestead: Are there no workhouses?
Someone’s never seen Tigerland—aka the movie that put him on the map. Along with others that have been noted, In Bruges, AHATEOTW, etc.