Hetty Llange
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I can’t believe all these comments and no one’s even mentioned my personal FZ fave: ‘Thingfish,’ a 3-lp rock-opera concept album for a broadway show that they planned to stage, but it never happened. (wiki tells me there was a posthumous staging in 2003). It’s hilarious and prescient with Ike Willis and the Bozzios as

He did win!

I was googling, trying to find out if he’s actually 32, because, lolno, when I stumbled across this message board gem from when he was in Tampa under his old name:

As a resident of the Bluegrass who lives/works within miles of the Kentucky Horse Park and whose husband runs what is arguably one of the more popular hotels near the Park for the Horsie crowd, let me assure you it’s Horse people.

We did Wildwood a couple of times growing up, but I gotta say SEASIDE HEIGHTS 4LYFE, YO!

So many wrong takes in this piece I don’t even know where to begin. But that’s the beauty of Survivor—it’s so meta that everyone, both players and viewers, see it through their own prism. But no mention of the fact that Culpepper claimed to be something like 85% disabled to collect a couple hundred grand in worker’s

Lexington here as well, and as I’ve commented on these posts before—Gold Star beats Skyline ALL DAY LONG. Three cheese coneys (no onions/mustard) and a Dr. Pepper? ::bliss::

True story:

Same. I was prepared to be all “Don’t come for my Katya (unless she calls for you)!”

Me too! Whenever it goes off around coworkers it always gets a laugh.

That’s interesting, and all, but I’m mesmerized by how tasty my future ex-babydaddy Chandler P. looks there. ::shallow::

One more vote for Gold Star is SO much better than Skyline from the Commonwealth here.

Freshman year, 1st semester I had a eurotrash princess wannabe whose only goal in life was to fuck things up for me with my (out-of-town) bf. Second semester, she changes rooms, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Thanks, Reagan!

Imma just put this right here because I have the blues and I don’t know what to do without my everpresent friend of the last decade+. http://bipartisanreport.com/2016/08/23/bre… Where will I go? What should I do? Is there some secret clubhouse for us all to gather and grieve in? hmmmm /AF