I could rack up $69MM worth of fuck ups with one hand tied behind my back. When will my total incompetence be fully appreciated by society?
I could rack up $69MM worth of fuck ups with one hand tied behind my back. When will my total incompetence be fully appreciated by society?
“I cost my employer $69 million, but I’m not going to think too much about it.”
You’re worth at least $69!
Shit, at this point, $6.90 would be quite the windfall for me!
I might even settle for $69,000
You know, I wish I could fail into $69million! Actually I wish I could fail into $6.9million.
Why aren’t these generous people paying off student loans or mortgages?
Whiskey soup with water croutons.
My favorite food when I’m sad are potatoes...as in vodka.
WASPs concern-trolling about Jews is a new level of hell
Do you LITERALLY want the LEFT to take away hamburgers and airplanes for 600 Trillion DOLLARS!? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? That just doesn’t sound PRACTICAL to me!
Also as a Jew can I say that Joe Lieberman can fuck off into the sun?
Trump not paying his contractors again?
He’s like the half way point between them.
Why are so many on the right wing incapable of making regular facial expressions?
I’m not sure either - It’s just so hard to tell one smirking overprivileged white male douchebag from another.
I'm confused. Which one is Jesse and which ones are Trump children?
Great story, Erin. Utterly chilling, but I feel we’ve just scratched the surface. As always, follow the money. This operation has Russian fingerprints all over it.
I post this a lot but just in case it needs repeating: separating parents from their children, and then adopting their children out against their parents’ consent, is a form of genocide according to the UN.
a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.
makes us look like assholes