Hetty Llange

Look we all know if the Clintons tried to kill anyone they would screw it up and the whole plot would be revealed because Anthony Weiner accidently tweeted a picture of his dick with a receipt for the assassin in the background.

Extremely wealthy, dishonest people hate and fear Bernie Sanders.

Stupid people hate and fear Bernie Sanders.  

How about the priest from Oz? I remember a lot of people were mocking it at the time as 90210 still loomed large as his image, but then his performance shut a lot of them up.

Now playing

Luke Perry also played a David Koresh style cult leader in Criminal Minds s04 e03 Minimal Loss.

Fucker’s immortal. All those fast-food preservatives, artificial sweeteners, charcoal-briquette steaks, and eclipse-staring sessions have combined into an elixir of eternal life. He’s some kind of lich, now. The only way to be rid of him is to find and destroy the KFC bargain bucket he uses as a phylactery.

It’s impressive how Trump’s personality and incompetence filter into everything his administration does. Whether it’s healthcare, immigration, foreign policy, you name it: it will have that hands on touch of petty failure that only Trump can provide.

The vast majority of them voted for Clinton.

At least it’s not as bad as Ross. Those stores always look like they’ve been victims of looting.  

Someone really needs to tell Walker that taking an already born baby home and aborting it is, in legal jargon, a practice known as murder and it is already illegal in all 50 states.

After all he did for Philly - I think he was shafted.

Sometimes, it all works out innuendo.

Yet we’re more worried about the border. The call is coming from inside the house, people.

Adolf Hitler: Publicly proclaimed that Nazis are some very fine people.

It’s criminal that we don’t do this.

Americans don’t want to just be given money.”

You want large amounts of money for doing nothing? Become a soybean farmer! 

I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last 4 years. People want to work for what they get.

Feckless says what again?