hester bangs

I didn't know Glamis was a real place. I thought it was something Shakespeare made up. QEII's relatives following in the footsteps of Macbeth being terrible people. 

I loved Nomadland with all my heart and will watch it dozens of times before I die.

When you manage to gross out Steve “Gin Blossom” Bannon you’ve basically booked a one way ticket to hell.

That still shot of him in Borat with his hand down his pants is probably the most disgusting picture I’ve ever seen. I gag a little every time i see it. 

LOL the news conference in a back alley behind a porn shop *that he tried to pass off as ‘I meant to do this’”...and all the butt dials he has made...and WHY won’t he pay to get his lower teeth bleached to match his uppers? when I watched the Netflix doc about the downfall of the mob in 1980's NYC, and they showed Rudy

the guy farted during a voter fraud hearing...was photographed with some awful mix of hair coloring and sweat running down his head...was filmed thinking he was going to have sex with the underage woman interviewing him...all within the past 6 months!  hearing him yuk it up with another gross old man with delusions of

As a man, I’ve been in situations where I’ve accidentally seen more than I was supposed to. Despite neither myself or the female in question truly being at fault for the circumstances leading to the “peek”, I would usually apologize for it. Because despite the neutral circumstances, there is a clear outline of who got

Shelter Cat Update!

Did you make anything this week? Bread was in heavy rotation over here this week, probably because we had two “snow days” this week, so three hour video meeting with breaks? Make a cute little focaccia, just right for two, to go with spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I baked it in a small cake pan lined with

Shelter Cat Update!

What have you made?? I didn’t get up to anything too picture worthy this week. I made a quiche, which I think you really need to be a professional food photographer to make eggs dishes look good, but the method was very interesting. You mix one of the eggs with some flour, mix until smooth, then mix in the rest of

There’s literally no point in engaging with people like that on facebook.

Personally I ruthlessly reserve my Facebook friend list solely for people who I legitimately enjoy spending time with in real life or, if they live far away, keep in touch with and would happily offer a couch bed and a meal if/when they pass through my town knowing they would do the same. It helps keep my friends list

The other commenters are right. Unfriend. These people are toxic and crazy. If Facebook serves a purpose for you in allowing you to see photos of uncrazy relatives, etc, then keep it but also keep a strict unfriending policy for Trumpers.

“Wayland". But yeah, she's a dead ringer!

Run, run, run, run. Never look back.

Yeh, FB is where you learn all your high school acquaintances got all fat, religious, and super conservative. (Also a lot of pictures of your friend’s kid in marching band because they think everyone cares their kid is second bassoon or whatever)

Do not interact with Facebook in any way if you can avoid it . 

Cut them loose. You were fine before without them.

Unfriend them (or hide them permanently if you want to keep the connection). Then follow The Dodo and join the Dogspotting group, and start liking posts. Your feed will be optimized in short order.