hester bangs

I know you buried my goodbye comment and made it impossible to retrieve, and I want you to know it only makes me feel even better about leaving this joke of a site - well, nowadays at least. Because of bottom-feeder writers like you (ooh, GQ! That’s really helping your cred in 2021) and the over-reactionary commenters

Hey Jez people,

As a half-Italian woman, I can say I never once heard the word “tan” growing up - we are olive-skinned, in varying shades depending on if your relatives are from Northern or Southern Italy.

As a half-Black woman, I find Hamlin’s explanation highly amusing in the “pathetic-but-expected” category.

And that’s just Drew’s mother. The Barrymore family certainly has had its share of tragedy.

Sooooo good! And gorgeous imagery.

You guys called Nomadland one of the year’s best books in 2018, and currently the goddess that is Frances McDormand, an actor we should be celebrating, is starring and kicking ass in the movie version... can we ever go a day without giving time to the fucking Housewives?

Don’t forget the news conference in a back alley behind a porn shop. ;) Such a proud moment.

Is Giuliani even aware that he’s become a national joke? Because he’s sure not trying too hard to fix that image.

It’s funny how blues clues keeps telling me about what their heart wants, yet chooses to be a huge dick and bold out my name in their reply above rather than have a mature discussion and oh I don’t know, have a point beyond the pearl clutching? I guess they still don’t have anything productive to say. :(

Don’t write anything that blues clues disagrees with y’all because she’ll just dismiss you then post a chickenshit message like the one above - and after I dragged her pathetic ass out of the grays and everything. :( My day is just ruined.

Wow, so you dismiss me and instead of replying with a productive message you do this?? How utterly embarrassing for you. And I know you’re just going to dismiss this too, so I’ve made the effort to start my own chain below - I call it having the time to deal with a useless coward today. 

I’ll take your non-productive, obnoxious reply as a thank-you for dragging your ass out of the grays.

You’ve misunderstood my tone, but that’s okay. I don’t think Allen molested Dylan, and I think it’s shocking the amount of evil behavior on behalf of Farrow that people have overlooked. Of course I’m not suggesting we stop believing victims when they speak, but there’s just so much evidence against it in this case,

He’s not the one making an HBO special about it.

Lol John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman... you’re the one missing out on reality, sunshine.

So we’re still pretending Russell is straight then? All righty.

I can appreciate the distaste for Ms Conway, but I don’t see it - she’s more grim than Madame.

I can’t fucking believe I wrote “Wayne” - I loved those two in their day.

I already follow the dodo! On my way to go find the dogspotting group, thanks!

Precisely: “Oh, you’re a fellow batshit crazy Trumper, of course I believe whatever you say!” Painful.