
I promise that most of the women working there didn’t share tales of horror because of the atmosphere of back biting, intimidation and out right terrorizing. They all felt in it alone, and the ones who weren’t getting hassled at any given moment kept far away from the ones that were; they did NOT want to “attract

FOX, there is nothing left to defend. Your reputation is a tattered shred and your credibility is bankrupt. I know you think that Dump and his gibbering minions trailing after you with their mouths hanging open mean you are invincible but that is very, very untrue.

She’s not selling you a story. She’s disclosing a rape and subsequent sexual harassment. She’s suing because that’s one of our paths to justice when you can’t or won’t use criminal courts, which happens for a variety of reasons.

When she was making those statements, she had (allegedly) already been raped. Either she is lying (unlikely) or she has zero empathy and zero respect for others (highly likely). Either way she won’t make for a very sympathetic figure and they will certainly use this against her.

Fox has called the lawsuit “bogus” and

Yeah and awesome career acceleration. All those rape survivors, running the companies they took down... wait.. no. Hmm?

Yeah she wants that sweet sweet rape money! Police Always believe women. It’s not like there’s been case after case of men not being charged or sentenced to a slap on the wrist and the town punishing the victim or anything. Just lots of sweet sweet rape money.

You absolutely can’t relate and don’t understand.

I’ll end by saying that in MOST cases, i side with the victim. It just seems to me that in this one case, she’s looking to get paid. She very well may be telling the truth; and I wouldn’t put it past Fox, given their recent track record, to sweep this under the rug and hope it goes away.

Exactly, if a horrible thing happens to a horrible person, it’s still a horrible thing that happened.

If you’re asking in good faith I’ll give an answer, albeit a short one.

I just looked that up, holy fuck how does such a terrible thought even get made, much less spoken? George Will can go to hell for that.

All Fox had to do to end up with a bunch of perverts is hire conservative men in all positions of authority. What is a conservative but one who longs for the return to the values of the past? But, what was really going on in the past besides women and people of color being abused and disenfranchised at the whim of men

I mean, are they deliberately hiring sexual predators? I feel like it’s a requirement for being any man on their payroll. And I don’t care if she was a conservative shill/Trump surrogate, nobody deserves this. I’m so afraid there will be otherwise level-headed people intimating that.

So agreed. I wish people talked about the effects of the Fox News network more. It’s a right wing propaganda machine and it works very successfully.

Turns out that when horrible things happen to horrible people, it still fucking sucks.

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up?

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up? Certainly not any favor with the Trump Administration or conservative media. You’d think that would convince even Fox News viewers to believe her but nope, they’re going to drag her through the mud.

We keep hoping for this. But Fox buys its way out of each allegation or rape and abuse with little backlash. Meanwhile, the advertisers wince and most loyal viewers could care less. Because, blondes with nice legs.

Fox has called the lawsuit “bogus” and “downright shameful.”