
Oh, Speedforce...

Honestly, a Flash t-shirt would be better than that abomination.

I love TV Flash’s costume, which really makes me hate movie Flash’s costume even more.

She made the first critically successful film in the current DCEU. She has every right to be all

Well, damn.

Yeah, I can’t explain it either.

I’m sure it’s people who haven’t read anything about the case and just want to keep a child alive. Ignoring the fact that he has irreversible brain damage, cannot breathe on his own and requires a morphine drip for his pain.

Yes, and in fact GOSH’s position was that Charlie has irreversible brain damage and keeping him alive was cruel and unnecessary. 

Fucking get your shit together, DC. We finally got a good movie after 3 crapfests and you need to continue on this positive note.

I know no one cares about my boner, but I find Cavill ridiculouslyhot as Clark Kent yet feel nothing when he’s Superman.

He’s a garbage person so I’m fine with him leaving.

I have nothing to add but this gif.

I usually forget about the Thor movies whenever I’m trying to remember the MCU movies. But I have high hopes for Ragnarok because of Taika Waititi.

It will always be Meow Meow to me!

Unfortunately, it sounds like they’re blaming GOSH for not being able to start the experimental treatment earlier when, by most accounts the treatment wouldn’t have been able to help no matter when he received it.

Now playing

It’s from an Academy Award press conference where I think someone asked her a sexist question.

He also called Benedict “Benjamin” which was also great!

Well of course he did!

See, that’s how I feel about Tiffany Haddish. She was hilarious in Keanu and I’m glad to see her blowing up!