
I went back and looked at those pics, and

I mean, some of the comments here are awful, so I can’t e en begin to imagine how shitty they are on other sites.

Christ, all I can say with regards to that interview is

Plus Yogi Bear 3D and Transformers 4.

Dodai!!!!! I didn’t realize you were back, and I’m so happy!!!!!!

Yeah, I’ll believe that when we see the receipts.

Ugh, a 9/11 film starring a 9/11 truther is a hard pass from me thanks.

Oh man, I am so sorry.


Mackie and Stan are gold together! And I love their faux beef with Tom Holland.

I don’t know for sure, but based on the foam my guess is its fake.

I wish to be as elegantly profane as Malcolm Tucker!

To be clear it’s my brother, not someone I socialize with by choice.

Who doesn’t like John Oliver????

I’m sure they think it won’t happen to them because they’re white. 

Today someone told me that they thought Jeff Sessions was doing a good job and I went off. When I got to the fact that Sessions was too racist to be a judge under Reagan they said that maybe he changed and I was like no dude, if anything he’s actually more racist than he was back then.