
I know no one gives a shit, but can we at least stop calling this clown “big pharma”? He’s not. At all. Pfizer is big pharma. GSK and Novartis are big pharma. This is a nasty little asshole who figured out a short-term grift on a generic drug. It's completely different from the typical chicanery of big pharma.

You haven't read the rules, have you.

This is the way it is because people put up with it. The whole team should forfeit the season.

This reminds me of the joke that answers the question, “why is it so much harder for women to orgasm than men?”

Are you sure about that? Pretty sure Louisiana is the only state that gets wonky with the basics of inheritance and even there the surviving spouse gets everything unless there’s a will.

Where do you think Velcro came from?

Do you have kids?

Kids who aren't idiots hate being condescended to. I could always dea with losing. But having some smug idiot adult pat me on the head and issue platitudes made me feel like a fool.

Yes, they were not magicians who could make success from failure. Jerks.

Oh no. I was last place more than once in my life. Any celebration of my “success” made me feel hot shame.

Zohan is the only accurate depiction of an Israeli man ever filmed. Say what you like about Sandler, but he had the guts to show an ineffable truth in that movie.

Oh, I would call that inevitable

You mean the highlights?

Schemes like this over complicate the workout and lack any kind of progressive plan. So people lose focus, then lose interest and they don't make progress. Also most of these excercises are dumb.

Strong lifts has made me stronger at age 43 than I’ve ever been in my life. Can’t recommend it highly enough.

What's the double standard? You think the producers of the new Star Wars movie would have jumped for joy if Harrison Ford showed up looking less hot than Harrison Ford? Adam Sandler plays schlubs. So he gets to look like a schlub

Rose McGowan is most widely known for portraying a stripper whose legs have been replaced with M-16s.

Rose McGowan is about 40. She’s not exactly a naïf.

I can’t imagine the hiring process for an$13/hr security position is terribly thorough. They probably just do a felony check.

Not for nothing, I dropped 25lbs and got stronger than I’ve ever been before at age 43 thanks largely to Nolan. I can deadlift my whole family now.