
They took a simpler approach for eliminating recumbents — they created a rule that specified the maximum distance between the crank and a vertical dropped from the seat.

Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.

Perfect analogy! Skateboarders kill people all the time.

And Boston. And most other major cities I imagine. Not really a Baltimore thing...

In DC, too. I’ve been driving when it happens, and it’s terrifying—not because of the people, but because of how they’re riding.

They do it here in DC too. Sometime over a hundred of them at a time, filling the street, ignoring all traffic laws, swerving onto crowded sidewalks. They are a menace.

We have the dirt bikers here in Harlem, too. They ride all over the neighborhood, and the stunts they do are very impressive. But they are very dangerous, and very loud. They always say that they ride in the streets because they have nowhere else to ride. I’d love to have a dirt bike park for them, but I seriously

So riding these bikes through the city is illegal, but the police trying to stop the event are the bad guys?

I will not pay my parking ticket then because it’s not right. I don’t believe in parking meters.

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

That’s not what he paid for, that’s just what s/he ended up because of Trump’s scam. The $ was supposed to be for software, advanced training courses, individual mentoring, etc.

“I really like pepperoni, but sausage is better.”

Also, get rid of the old ammo if there is any. It’s potentially dangerous.

Yeah, so that might not be illegal if it were purchased before 1934. And also worth a shit ton of money. So they might want to unbury it. Just saying.

So Ask A Lawyer responds with “Hire A Lawyer!”

How messed up is it that you even had to write (technically overweight) for a body that barely skims the “overweight”category.

That the organizers didn’t want me to feel bad for not winning, essentially. It was a consolation prize for playing at all, nothing more.

Well, I was a kid at the time and I didn’t like getting those trophies despite your assurance that “kids like trophies”. I guess generalizations don’t always work do they?

I started playing hockey when I was 6 and I always hated getting participation trophies. I knew exactly what it meant.

Giving a last place kid a trophy for showing up is a form of public humiliation.