Heron Hernandez

“There are now too many,” The Dalai Lama said. “Europe, for example Germany, cannot be an Arab land. Germany is Germany.”

Why? Because he took a Neo-Con’s shitty healthcare plan, stamped his name on it and fucked the American people over with it?

Barack assassinates whoever he wants with his drones and Michelle is a fat-shamer.

Webb Hubbell must be so proud of his new grandchild.

A good portion of that is our American tax dollars at work.

Ali was a one-of-a-kind character but please quit swinging from his nuts. Read up. Haven’t heard too much about this from the mainstream media...

Ali was a one-of-a-kind character but please quit swinging from his nuts. Read up. Haven’t heard too much about this from the mainstream media...

Ali was a one-of-a-kind character but please quit swinging from his nuts. Read up. Haven’t heard too much about this from the mainstream media...

Excerpt from an article about Ali from The Undefeated. Link to the full article is at the bottom...

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I haven’t had the time to get online until this weekend.

Stop making excuses. He was a black separatist which is a core belief of The Nation Of Islam. Hell, even George Lincoln Rockwell of The American Nazi Party was invited to and attended Nation of Islam speeches. They both believed that all humans should be with their own races and cultures. I personally have no problem

Now playing

This is my favorite youtube clip of Ali...

Grandma probably birthed an raised ten kids. She probably has a bigger dick than you do. You should listen to your grandma.

“...sounds great”

Trust me, you don’t want to move to Mexico. There are Mexicans there... weather be damned.

I’m a race realist.

If Trump wins I’m moving to Mexico.

You should be running this site. I’m being serious.

My biggest concern is the lack of diversity in the photo at the top of the article. I really wish people would fight to get more Asian, Hispanic and White faces in the sport of track & field. Pacific Islanders too. After all, vibrant diversity is our greatest strength because it’s vibrant and it’s diversity.

Nah, fuck all of those fake-ass moral crusaders. A workplace has its own personality from the boss on down. This is so awesome! Even if Hulk Hogan only gets half of the $115 million after an appeal it will still be great to see a lot of people at Gawker lose their jobs. They’ve ruined careers and called for other