I guess you’ll have to find another group of people that’ll tell you how to think and feel. “Groupthink”? The comedy writes itself.
I guess you’ll have to find another group of people that’ll tell you how to think and feel. “Groupthink”? The comedy writes itself.
Nah, Gawker and all of its bloggers have dished it out for years and now they have to take it. They’ve morally judged others, ruined careers and twisted the truth for years. FUCK ‘EM ALL! I hope every single one of the smug wannabe journalists working for Gawker Media feels it. It’s like watching a Bible-thumping…
C’mon! You’ve known that these bloggers can dish it out but can’t take it in return, right?
Did anyone ever tell you that you should be a basketball coach?
Ha! The smug shits are being so quiet about this right now. It’s GLORIOUS!!!
1.) Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and all the other established black “leaders” are endorsing Clinton
Incidents like this happen far more than people know about. It’s been happening more and more in recent years and yet the original narratives get far more media coverage versus the factual narrative which actually happened.
Ok, I’ll give you #1 but you protest too much.
Oprah loves hiking with white folks. She also loves hiring them too.
No, they just color coordinated their skin color.
I’ve found some info on what I was just writing about. If you or anyone else wants to go down the Hollyweird rabbithole you can. Be warned. This stuff is disheartening and disgusting. If even half this shit is true then Hollywood is even more fucked up than we could possibly imagine. It’s truly the epicenter of the…
Yes, Weinstein is integral and powerful. He’s a Hollywood puppetmaster who can crush whoever he wants whenever he wants and he’s not the only person who holds that kind of power in Tinseltown. Hollywood deserves to be dissected just like the Catholic Church has been over the last few years. Hollywood’s contents would…
That’s not really what I was trying to say.
“But she needs to get away from David O. Russell and Weinstein.”
Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood members of “the Chosen Tribe” love their white shiksas like Jennifer Lawrence and their white goy-toys like Leo DiCaprio and Channing Tatum. If you want to have more diverse casting, writing and directing then you have to fundamentally dismantle and rebuild Hollywood’s entire power…
I’m going to go to NYC and tell the natives that the Yankees suck. I bet they’ll all smile and say, “Well, you’re entitled to your opinion, friend. How ‘bout a slice of pizza on me?”
If Macklemore has to apologize for white privilege for his success then all rap artists of any color have to apologize for benefitting from white privilege. All successful rap artists of any color would be unsuccessful rap artists if it weren’t for white people buying their music.
Successful rap artists of any color would be unsuccessful rap artists if it weren’t for white people buying their albums.