Hermit Edwards


“This video really was out of innocence

Feel like watching Youngblood after seeing those SSM jerseys.

Let’s just hope the Bucs keep him far away from their Pirate ship’s cannons.

“This is more for the professional world, because honestly, no one that you’d consider a friend would ever dare do a voice call these days.”

You’re aware that stadiums and salaries are entirely different things, right?

The kid has the skills, no question. He also seems to have the gumption. But does he have the mettle? Critical. Time will tell

I want him to join the parade of aging QBs who have dropped into Minnesota for one last, failed title run.

Did you confuse Benicio Del Toro with Guillermo del Toro? Or was this just something you needed to get off your chest?

The lyric is “Peaches come in a can,” not “Peaches came in by a man.”

Meanwhile Robert Kraft was overheard discussing the Pats upcoming draft strategy: I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves,

Half of us fancy ourselves as rally drivers. The rest are just late for work.

If the lead singer made it more than four songs before stumbling shitface drunk off the stage, your show was better than mine.

I agree Gish is definitely their best, but I’ve found gems on most of their albums, including Oceania. Oceania and My Love Is Winter are both decent songs, but I’m a pushover for sappy/love songs.

3 games without penalty is very impressive. Almost as impressive as how quick it took an Iggles fan to eat literal horseshit after the SB.

The Queen of the Pipe is dead. Long live the Queen!

I always preferred The Pillsbury Throwboy.

The problem is that player’s salaries are systematically kept low for most of their young years (six years of team control, the first few for less than a million) under the guise that, once you hit free agency and show how well you can perform, that’s when you’ll finally get paid. But, in recent years, teams are

I was on Broad from the end of the game until a bit after midnight and the worst thing I actually saw was some cops un-tipping a car. Other than that, fireworks, public drinking, and some lightpost climbing.

Like in a skyscraper full of terrorists, without his shoes?