Hermit Edwards

Its cool seeing an overager get drafted in the first round based on Defensive prowess. Obviously he has the skill set the sixers needed for defending the perimeter, though I have my doubts he will ever amount to much of a scorer, in my mind, if you need or are expecting more than 10/night from him you’re in trouble

Same thing happened to me back in 91, all week long Chuck Noll had the nerve to speculate Bubby Brister would not play, then to my surprise he played and I’m stuck playing with Neil Fucking O’Donnell as my starting quarterback. Then the NFL trolled me by electing Chuck Noll to the hall of fame two years later

Great Article,

Isn’t there some clause where if he outscores Lucic this year by a certain amount of goals there’s extra compensation heading back to the Flames? The oilers might want James to slow down a tad


I can forgive Nationals fans for booing (he allegedly denied them after their “300M offer”) not that I’m a fan of it but its commonplace in sports, what I’ve struggled to understand is the other 29 cities booing him, like you said he got paid so what, most of those teams didn’t want him to begin with.

I like that analogy.

I feel like I use we more than I should, but I always try to premise it by telling everybody about the letters I write to team management and coaches advising them on strategy and planning

No way is Creed registered to vote

I do not even go to church

I liked the old name better when they were the Lake Erie Monsters

He’s pretty cool and all, but I still have to Pledge my allegiance to Parker the Snow dog, if he’s alive that is

did you happen to catch the game saturday I think? he had an at bat against Chapman that Im pretty sure if he connected the ball would’ve left ontario altogether

I call bullshit...

This is fine for most players, but what about the crafty veterans with a few tricks up their sleeves.

Who could forget Rule 31.25A:  A player guilty of a major infraction may be released at the refferees discretion 2 minutes early due to good behavior

didn’t click through the link, but having some familiarity with Pottstown, the tax rate is through the roof, I’d bet you would pay more than 40K in property taxes,

To play devils advocate it’s a lot harder for a guy who just signed a 7 figure deal to find an excellent financial manager who doesnt just see dollar signs, they’re are certainly out there, but there are just as many crooks if not more. (I.e. the attorney for the NFL concussion lawsuit, you’d have thought he was on

I also played college football, and I’d have to say the coaches severely overrate how intelligent players are as far as the whole number thing goes. If we line up to start the game and number 12 is sporting a different number or better yet not even in the game chaos erupts. People start losing there minds.

Well father it was hard not to hear from the other side of the confessional