I’m pretty sure Reynolds was drunk most of the 90s, but then again who wasn’t.
I’m pretty sure Reynolds was drunk most of the 90s, but then again who wasn’t.
I Like Plesac, Byrnes can get on my nerves, but for the love of god isn’t $300 M enough security where you don’t get all sensitive about a couple of old players saying things (not even about you) on MLB network
I’ll die on that hill that movie had a great cast
Hostess can go to hell with there knock off zebra cakes #littledebbietillIdie
its a real problem, today as I await a 4 day weekend the clock doesn’t seem to be moving either way.
Maybe I’m in the minority here but a trip after the ball is heading the other way and a flop on a corner kick do not warrant match altering penalties being awarded.
Clive Owens career sure has taken a nasty turn
I think after reading this article all of your brilliant these players are butt articles are called into question. Im fine with the various Butt labels, but not from somebody who labels Satoransky very good. The only instance he’s very good is as your 8th man off the bench.
its hard to find a good NHL Knicks comp, I’d say the best current day comp would be the Oilers, they do have one of the best if not the best player in the game, and have managed to surround him with utter garbage and come in last place or second to last place the last few years. They also had the benefit of like 5 no.…
all of the detractors to this plan make perfect sense, but and I’m not that familiar with TV deals, is it feasible even with modest to low subscribers in both Tampa St Pete and MOntreal/Quebec, could the franchise not just float on the back of 2 TV contracts. i. e the 1,000 tampa fans will pay to watch games at tampa…
Im not sniffing back snot Im trying to hide my cocaine use
if they’re watching on their phones its probably netflix which sadly is the sans meloni seasons
Crazy thing for fultz is he’s still a full year and change younger than the 1st round pick with a broke jumper the sixers drafted in this years first round
my whole thing is if you need a frame by frame to show a point when the runner is not in contact with the base to call them out they should be safe, and you are right about the tags for sure
while I cant understand how head first sliders can’t anchor onto to the base all the time when you go foot first into a rubber base at a high rate of speed a bit of a bounce off of the base is somewhat expected is it not?
similarly the worst part now on MLB reviews is when a runner is safe but you know there momentum took there foot a fraction off the base and thanks to frame by frame replay they’re now out. Well that and every single tag play the fielder holding the tag forever and gesturing ear muffs to the dugout.
A fitting clip, Wilpon, MIckey and the front office as the MLB runs roughshod over them
I was involved in one and its a quick 180 from the elation of holy shit we just won to fuck this how I die, the weight on top of you and you cant breathe or move much and people keep piling on
There’s always the tried and true formula of trading your bad contracts to the Coyotes so they reach the cap floor