Hermit Edwards
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Talented guitarist and Bluesman Gary Clark Jr. rocks the crowd at this year’s Glastonbury Festival.

Extrapolated over a full season this team will go 0-82 with the worst scoring differential in league history. What a fall from grace!

I don’t understand all the hate for this game so I will defend it.

He was a happy boy the day that he left me

Same here in Philly. Lots of soon-to-be-divorced men listening to drive-time sports talk radio, apparently.

Counterpoint: drinking $20 worth of good beer will get you just as drunk with less effort.

Can we talk about the guy above the girl’s shoulder wearing eye black and a backward hat?

On one hand, that’s very funny. On the other hand, go fuck yourself.

Another thing they all have in common: none of them have been in my kitchen

23 isn’t SO young, is it? There are very few players that are as easily baited as he is. As to whether the penalty was warranted..... It kinda was. Not as bad a taunt as Cam Newton’s this week- which was also stupid, and I say that as someone who very much likes Cam.

They’re gonna lose by a missed field goal in the NFC championship again. I’m calling it now!

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Florida jersey thieves aren’t bright...

Just as a serious, big screen actor right? C’mon... he’s great as Andy Dwyer.

Sure looks like he was beat “to a pulp”. Looks like Gawker Media is still doing the reporting around here, eh?

By, by god, they fuck up EVERYTHING

As a white sox fan, I would rather jump off the sears tower and smash my skull into the pavement than root for that sack of shit team up on the northside.

I wrote them off in the preseason. First team offense couldn’t move the ball against the fucking Browns. I said they’d battle for third in the NFC North but I think I misspoke. While the Lions may not be good they’re at least competent. The Bears are sad sacks of garbage on both sides of the ball and it’s not going to

The only people who DON'T have enthusiasm for this thing are the fans, which is fucked up. The players clearly do, as evidenced by the vast majority of the pre-tournament games. Why don't you, man? Just wondering.