Hermit Edwards

I didn’t get the quarter but the collect call preview was all i needed to convey the needed message

I found the whole note bizarre since when did high schoolers start crafting these long winded PR statements, these both read like agent speak.

CJ Mccollum had a pretty good one last week against Denver, I’ll look for video evidence now

I used to play football and made it out relatively unscathed atleast from the neck up (got some really bad shoulders), but I had a lot of fun doing it and don’t regret it at all, and if my kids wanted to play I wouldn’t stop them. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I guess what I’m saying is please don’t bash my

good luck finding 6 wins for the American there best case scenario they go 4 and 8 and that would be considered a coup for the American. The SEC is probably the worst conference to pick to illustrate your point even the bottom feeders are loaded with NFL caliber talent and would crush their AAC counterpart.

I think I’m even more deranged, because I have found myself watching the vacation version too. Those people are the goddamn worst.

you lost me there

nothing worse than someone ruining my daily dose of LA that guys is a fucking treasure

Hey Barry, it would appear some of of my Flyers fan brethren have changed now started twittering @chuck with advice for the new GM

I have to disagree, the best part about Drexel Basketball was former coach Bruiser Flint, that was the greatest name, sadly even Bruiser couldn’t lift the dragons out of the gutter

For sure I’d give them a chance there too. But there’s still a reason why the power 5 is the power 5.

Must’ve been a banner day for the New Yorkers, the rangers also overcame a 3-0 lead for a come from ahead loss, and the Giants, nearly pulled off a miraculous loss.

I’d argue the headbutt was telegraphed, once the hat is removed every yinzer knows a headbutt is on the way

I’d agree that there was 1 really good non-power 5 conference that was tougher tan at least the Pac 12, but it was not the American. And i say that as a temple fan, Temple lost to VIllanova a 1a school then proceeded to damn near win the American conference, The Mountain West on the otherhand was an awesome conference

Not a Notre Dame fan by any means, and In hindsight sure a lot of the wins ND don’t look all that great, but they did play real competition. USC, Stanford, Va tech, FSU, are all typically pretty tough teams, that all had down years, you can’t know that years ahead of time when schedules are made. Michigan, I get that

keep in mind Paul Holmgren back in charge (at least for the moment) in Philly, the same guy who put a 14 yr 110 million offer sheet for Shea Weber, that shockingly was matched by the preds, and even more shockingly the weber under that contract was traded for a younger and arguably (at the time probably not but definit

shut up dad I did fine going to a state school

This isn’t the first time my fashion sense has been called into question, medical attention is probably warranted, but in this economy who can afford the copay.

I was thinking the same thing there’s not a chance in hell I’m forfeiting 50K a year to go to Northwestern.