Hermit Edwards

wrong word choice by me with predict, all i meant is when I buy shares of a stock, i like to read through everything I can get my hands on and formulate my own opinion on where that stock should/could reach both short term and long term.

I’ve had similar experiences in football, nothing like a middle school or pee wee football coach living out his dream, what a fucking idiot, no wonder its so hard to get head hunting out of the game, when so many kids are taught these types of things at a young age.

I responded to somebody else, but I couldn’t see the puck unitl it reached the point, I may have wrongfully assumed the it was in the vicinity of Paille.

I couldn’t really see the puck in the video until it reaches the point, but yeah if it was along the boards the whole way its illegal all the way around, having not seen the puck in the video I assumed it was somewhere near him when the hit took place. You’re one of about a half dozen people to mention that aspect so

you want to hear an insane stat?

I’m not saying CD’s are the be all end all, but right now I do not have the time (nor the ability for that matter) to try and predict the stock market. I have a good percentage of my portfolio in stocks and funds, but as for the rest I’m kicking the can down the road so to speak with Laddering CD’s it guarentees that

that game 7 hit on Lindros probably won him the conn smythe in 2000

growing up it was the same with hockey somebody has there head down you light them up

The sarcasm may have flew right over my head here, but typically a standing dunk is when you dunk from standing in a stationary position as opposed to stepping or running into it etc. jumping has nothing to do with it.

forget brand content, you move him to manhattan thats a 2 bed room apartment renting for $5k/month

One strategy I like for a volatile stock market like the current one is laddering CD’s, you mention you lose liquidity with CD’s, but if you diversify your holdings of them based on maturity you can assure that you remain relatively liquid while also keeping a steady (low) return.

I’m not a niners fan, and don’t follow them all that closely but every time i see them on TV, Kittle seems to be playing well, of all the nobody and has been skill position guys they got he certainly has the look of a pro bowl caliber tight end, of course thats all subject to change once they get some actual WRs and

+bonus points for the meteoric collapse (granted they overachieved in 16-17) they lost in overtime of a game 7 in the conference finals to the eventual champs and missed the playoffs by close to 30 points the next year.

yeah its wild Mariota almost had a perfect rating last night and they lost by 17.

seems like a great segue into playing with Tie Domi

What are you gonna tell me next that they shut down that sketchy stripclub beneath abners?

if not completing walk off hail mary attempts constitutes a decline there are an awful lot of over the hill quarterbacks.

sub is very regional I think it’s pronounced meatball samich

I don’t think many people drink soda and think its healthy what I’ve always been taken back by is how many people drink gatorade etc. thinking its healthy.

surprised they didn’t assign him to a new parrish though