Hermit Edwards

How many people can say that they were fired from there job by the last guy who got fired in the same job, Both Ron’s should be happy.

this is my write in vote for Hue Jackson

Just reading this thread now, I agree with your points for the most part, but some great life advice would be to tip your trash men. Not sure if its just my local guys, but you’d be amazed at how much more amenable trashmen are to oversized items and the like there not supposed to take when you give them some cash 

I think the issue is hue was an awful coach who deflected blame on any player he could, so for a lot of guys in the Browns locker room beating the Bengals with Hue Jackson standing over on their sideline was like the super bowl.

I think after finally getting healthy he’s proved to be pretty good this year (i’m not from Indy)

for sure no win is guaranteed or easy in the NFL, but I think (and especially in the AFC) the 2 games difference is big. this years jags played the Steelers and Chiefs, whereas houston (4th last year) plays the broncos and browns.

in a 16 game schedule I think it is, 7-9 might lose your job, 9-7 might win the division, but agree to disagree.

its by design to make it harder to repeat success and get different teams to the playoffs.

in 2017 they benefited from a miserable division and seemed to hit there stride in the playoffs. When two division opponents are all of a sudden starting Andrew Luck and Deshaun Watson, instead of Jacoby Brisset and Tom Savage 4 easy wins all of a sudden are gone, and as countless teams have shown the last few years th

I love midweek holidays, getting days off around them is inconsistent, but even if you have to work the day before/ day after its only 1-2 days before you are off again.

people in Philly were mad at Cliff Lee, A pitcher for fucks sake, when he grounded out and proceeded to walk directly to the dug out. I though it was the greatest thing ever.

with the amount of money owners make, they’ll start cloning players if they have to.

wouldn’t foles be the equivalent of Flacco ?

Sure wentz has missed throws but every qb does, he is not being helped out by playcalling, offensive line play which has been awful, WR not getting seperation, no run game.

Call it what you want, but my team lost by 41 points yesterday, and I’m still holding out hope for the playoffs. The world is depressing enough, allow young odell to dream and eat cocaine pizza.

I guess, but bad reputations haven’t stopped other coaches from getting jobs, Schianno keeps getting hired, hell Art Briles got hired over the summer(they’re both football, but same logic should apply).

I always loved Hughson’s goal call, but probably most of my facination with the guy stems from the early NHL video games with Hughson on the call


as long as Jim Hughson is doing the game I’m happy