does it really matter what your uniforms look like if theres not a single identifiable player wearing one.
does it really matter what your uniforms look like if theres not a single identifiable player wearing one.
things have gotten so bad in Philly Doug Pederson has pawned off the super bowl trophy
It still doesn’t quite add up, Lonergan by most of these accounts seems like a decent guy and a pretty great coach, there’s enough college basketball teams that need coaches why after two years is he still unemployed.
If lebron gets this team to win a playoff series in the west it will be his greatest accomplishment (maybe 2nd greatest beating Golden State was unbelievable). After Lebron there just is very little consistency :KCP, Stephenson, Lonzo, Hart, Ingram, Kuzma , etc. can all give you 20 any given night yet not one of them…
“barred from campus”
“Thats how you close out on a jump shooter”
this sounds like a great method my mom used to boil our steaks and serve them on a roll with ketchup and mustard.
I’d argue its an average movie, but Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters is in that movie which is an awesome Elton song and elevates the movie in my opinion.
Then Elliot Stabler kicks the shit out of Tom Wilson right?
in fairness he also posted the description on his Myspace page
Impressive game, to beat out a team that got steamrolled by the Bills for Ass Team of the week is no easy feat.
I know thats always been unwritten rule, but for the NHL arbitrators and DOPS to come out and say it seems like a dangerous line to draw.
so is this acceptable precedent now “It was in the playoffs, so take the normal punishment and subtract x amount of games”
Edit I should read better, just posted an exact quote of something you had written
Mr. Nolan, we don’t agree on a lot, but goddamit I love your Boxing and Amazon Takes
some brave cameramen there, a swing like that could send the ball anywhere. Lady in the orange knows takes the smartest approach.
probably not the best hill to pick to die on, but I actually think Fultz has been impressive this year, yes the jumper and free throw form is horrible, but for a guy to be able to constantly get to the rim with no threat of an outside game says something about his otherworldy explosion
I was in tampa for a bachelor party, I’ll never forget that place “no we don’t sell booze, but if you head over to the gas station and get some and pour it into a Styrofoam cup we will allow it.”
for sure I think you see that a lot where these corporations will cannibalize there own locations because somebody pitched them a better location in the same market area, I’d think there would have to be some sort of non compete clause or something built in, but I think they just don’t care about individual…
I just did some research because i liked that stat, it turns out the saints ruined it in 2009, but the curse was alive and well in 2016 when the Falcons were up 28-3 before realizing they lost to the Bucs in the regular season and blowing the game.