Hermit Edwards

right, but I always thought that was more of a business/operational risk they pass down, and just as theres rules for how much they provide each franchise for marketing etc., there shoould be recourse for if the corporation does irreparable harm to your ability to run your franchise.

I’ve always been a bit overwhelmed by franchise laws and charters, but I think its a fair gripe that franchisees have, they paid into this company and through no doing of there own their franchise has collapsed. I know if I were one I’d be doing everything I can to try and get the company to take the franchise off my

was more saying that there’s times both of them need to be more assertive in getting there shots, Jokic is certainly a much better shooter, but does seem to get into the same pass first mentality.

Ah the randy howe hatrick

absolutely I always feel for people sharing my flight home knowing they have to somehow deboard the plane and get to a gate on the other side of the airport in 4 minutes

Live in Philly, and i can confirm these ratings are insane, I won’t say it’s an awful airport I’ve never had any of these horror stories you see from other commenters, definitely not the cleanest, no great restaurants or anything just.I have to assume the location was a large factor, because its right on 95,

Jokic has always been an interesting case, I think it’s great having a center who can pass, but a lot of people think it’s an overimprovement of sorts, they want a center whose gonna bang on the boards and think shot when the ball finds him down low.

less beer in aggregate is being produced, but the giant and midsized brewers are the ones actually lessening prodction, the smaller brewers’ (better beer if I’m interpreting your comment right) production has increased substantially just not nearly enough to offset the drops from the giants.

poor phrasing on my part. I agree with your points above, i just think the market for beer consumption is actually falling, and while the number of breweries is on the rise it’s all the small breweries. so its less of a growth in breweries and more a mathematical equation relating to peoples beer tastes.

the 7,000 brewery stat is extremely misleading though, I did a study of this sort recently, and while the growth of breweries has been exponential it is all very small breweries. We’re talking breweries that employ less than 10 people and brew less than 1,000 barrels a year. When you look at in that context it does

I was just about to say the same thing he’s fine in corner spots, but not at all a CF

Interesting that some MLB expert (Passan) doesn’t even get the name right on his scoops, I don’t think theres gonna be a good return for Hanover, maybe Haniger might get some calls though.

They’d have been in a close race in 75% of the divisions in baseball. But yeah they aren’t really that good. Also had no idea Paxton was 30 and i follow the MLB fairly closely they seemed to tout him as like a great young pitcher all year.

I think it also comes down to the human brain tosses out some older bits of knowledge along the way, i feel like every day I forget something or it takes me an extra second longer to recall something I used to know in an instant.

thanks to Paul Holmgren and Bobby Clarke, that trade was horrific, probably points to why I’m a little easier on Bowman than you. As a flyers fan I watched them make similar win now moves, except they have 0 cups to show for it since the 70s

or offensive genius Marc Trestman

its hard to judge all those moves in a vacuum though, a lot of them had to do with dumping salary at all costs (doesnt’t help that they created the salary Bickell Contract really jumps out to me).

hockey has always had some of the fastest trigger pulls in all of sports (see flyers firing Peter Laviolette 3 games in I think), the roster sucks, but because the same 4 core players (kane toews Seabrook and Keith) who won a cup are still there i think everybody expects a playoff team even though they’re probably the

Jahlil Okafor is good now? I can’t keep up.

maybe not completely wrong, but the guy is a liar who will deflect blame and play revisionist history whenever possible. Very convenient for him to realize now that he wanted Wentz, Mahomes and Watson, when all three of those guys could’ve been had at browns picks that they traded away. He had a chance to get “his