Hermit Edwards

That quote really makes the coach look like a dick. Basically saying yes this is the most talented recruit we’ve had, but he’s lucky I’m around to COACH all of these issues out of his game.

threading a needle with a hotdog” is an awesome saying I’ve never heard before 

I know its besides the point, but what always amazes me about these stories is how on earth you manage to sneak in a massive banner, I get caught trying to smuggle in sandwiches

some attorneys love to subpoena everybody and everything they can, I think what Diana might be insinuating is that by avoiding service he’s somehow complicit to these acts. Which, who knows maybe he is, but he’s certainly not the first person to avoid a subpoena.

I’ve driven through monmouth area, and I doubt I could afford even an Air BNB there it looks like the cheapest of the houses are still multi-million dollar homes.

while his behavior does not align with any university values or standards, its not far off par for most strength coaches, those guys are fucking nuts, they laugh and get enjoyment when people throw up from a workout, we used to have to do these crazy squat reps where they used a crazy percentage of our max for squat

I agree with your overall point, but comparing Reid and Mccarthy really undersells big red, I’ve always thought Reid was one of the most creative and best offensive coaches in the game, a lot of his genius is missed because he seems to not think well on his feet as evidenced by some truly baffling clock management

Very little to not at all. Most guys like kiper and Mcshay are pretty connected to the general thinking in the league, and thus their analysis is based less on what they think and more on the general leaguewide consensus, then they use there own little system of fits and strengths to plug and play as they see fit from

I’ve always found this bizarre as well, some industries you are getting nowhere without greasing the skids so to speask, its an accepted and expected part of the job, but in other industries its wire fraud and a felony conviction. I understand some of it like the crack down in the pharmaceutical game after the sales

hundreds of mobsters would also like to know what constitutes racketeering

Do you guys have a database that you can immediately find the funniest picture of somebody? Boeheim picking his nose, gruden turning more and more red, hopefully I’m never mentioned on deadspin, because I didnt realize til around lunchtime that my zipper had been down all day.

on the other hand it only took the donner party a couple of months before they started eating each other, its pretty impressive this party has been going on for years and the worst thing to happen is chad kelly gets hit with a vacuum.

I can’t remember where I saw it, but apparantly the CBA has language against “preconditions of employment”, I believe if the PA could have proved that the Bengals were set to sign him on the premise that he were to stop kneeling, the bengals would violate this rule.

if your checking what people are saying about you after the game I’d say there is definitely some real estate in your head dedicated to it.

The legal jargon is a little above my head, but doesn’t this essentially come down to the NFLPA being able to prove that the Bengals were going to employ him only if he stopped kneeling? I don’t think there is a fact pattern to support this as teams interview hundereds of players every year and sign only a small

I think the “losing the locker room” bit is overplayed in all sports, you always have a reason to play especially in the NFL where your contract can be terminated any minute. Theses quotes are meaningless fodder, if any player was “shocked” by this trade after the Mack deal and a woeful start to the season they need

Cooper is definitely talented, but by most accounts Gruden did alright getting a first rounder for him if the talking heads are to be believed. That being said I think the tone will change when Gruden uses the newly acquired 1st round pick on a fullback.

If you told me 2-3 years ago that the best two teams in the NFC west would gut there rosters and the rams would be unbeatable I don’t think I’d believe you.

any standard rate for the family and friend tax? Its gotta get close to like 25-30%

I dont know man you can bet on college games and find out right after kickoff that best player x is out with a hamstring, whereas worst case scenario with the NFL inactives are reported i think 90 mins before kickoff so plenty of time to adjust your gambling if you’re so inclined.