Hermit Edwards

I don’t think you could point solely to that because you can gamble on the NHL and injuries reported there are only as specific as upper body or lower body injury

I always thought there was only one way to get rid of ashes learn something new every day

Just like when I took Algebra i always checked adjacent peoples tests just to make sure they weren’t cheating off mine

not sure if its still the same but I played a college sport and the school did have an insurance policy, but it comically only took effect after all of the athletes insurance coverage stopped and I think $10 k out of pocket. Luckilly, my parents had decent insurance. 

He’s like Bobby Clarke dirty as fuck, but also incredible, and he could do what every he wanted because those flyers teams had more than enough dudes to back him up

not to mention I’m pretty sure Embiid stuffed him twice in a row earlier in the game

good for them maybe if they can secure a few more first overall picks they can even get back to the playoffs

Not sure when Goofy came up with his dance here, but it looks an awful lot like lindsey Bluth

Keenum has been fine, last I checked QBs have very little to do with allowing a RB to go for more than 200 yds in back to back weeks, but hey at least they kept GUrley under 10 yards a carry.

Eli was bad, but I’m not sure I can put the blame solely on him, I’d be checking down too if Fletcher Cox was screaming after me virtually untouched every other play. Theres a reason why Eli has always managed to stay healthy, and it starts with his attitude of fuck it I’m getting rid of this ball.

For me its give in and enjoy the goals, at least early on this year most teams are more than willing to try and win 5-4 hockey games, and I love every minute of it.

not on the scale of stadiums but all of the big distribution centers are largely using the same model. These bumblefuck towns that are located on or near major interstates and thoroughfares hand out these massive incentive packages and often 10 year Pilots and LERTA arrangements, then when the 10 years is up they move

Take this all with a huge grain of salt as I predicted all last year that Vegas would run out of steam but,

I was lucky enough to be at that last show at the spectrum, they deserve a banner for that show.

It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but i guess as long as you got rafter space keep raising banners.

oh god now that you mention it I’m almost positive He’s honored in Philadelphia too.

I remember that play well, its great to watch, however, I would chalk that up more to miscommunication than complete ineptitude like bortles.

I don’t really have a problem with the musicans have X amount of sellouts here, but take Philadelphia for instance they have a banner featuring I think Billy Joel, Springsteen and Elton John, and I’m almost positive 90% of there Philadelphia Shows predate the arena

the scary part is that was one of his most accurate throws of the day

I don’t think its got the publicity of the Butt Fumble, but that throw off his own linemans helmet is just as funny to me.