
“Beheads babies, rapes women, kills parents in front of children.”


I agree Israel’s response is disproportionate (they always respond disproportionately) but Hamas counts on that and ensures the death tolls will be high by intentionally placing strategic targets near or in schools, hospitals, residential blocks, etc on purpose, using the civilian population as human shields, and the

Hamas obviously should have known that their brutal, evil killing spree on 10/7 would result in swift and forceful retaliation by the Israelis. Why Hamas chooses to intermingle military and civilian sites, hospitals with war rooms, schools with rocket launcher battalions, etc, we will never understand. Other than to

Hamas clearly has enough fuel to keep fighting. Maybe the official government of Gaza can spare some for its citizens.

Yes, we all know how Hamas are champions for women's rights...

A lot of women HERE undergo c-sections with no anesthesia. If it’s an actual emergency or too late in the delivery process, that’s normal.

That line from the IDF - “Ask Hamas if you can have some,” is not a throw away line or mocking. We have satellite pictures of huge fuel reserves that Hamas (ie the Gazan government) has and apparently has no intention of giving to these hospitals.

How else is Israel expected to defend themselves? Palestine started the war by slaughtering hundreds of civilians, dozens of them children. Is Israel supposed to just take it on the chin and do nothing because children live in Palestine? Should Ukraine stop fighting Russia because there are kids living near the border?

I repeat; Palestine can end this conflict any time they want by releasing the hostages (taking hostages is recognized as a war crime by thr UN btw) and surrendering. Babies instantly saved.

Obligatory: Won’t someone think of the children!

Just a reminder: Palestine is still holding hundreds of innocent Israeli hostages, many of them children. Do victims take hostages?

“This is not the first time the Gaza Strip has been attacked by Israel.” In fact, Kylie Cheung, Hamas has initiated every single conflict. There have been 15 ceasefires with Hamas since they came to power, and Hamas has violated every single one. As a journalist, it is your responsibility to conduct thorough

Probably doesn’t help that Palestinian Jihadis are accidentally blowing up their own hospitals.

Clearly the methods for screening out psychos when hiring police recruits needs a complete overhaul nationwide under federal regulations. They hire skinheads like this freak and these characters terrorize women and minorities the world over.

Exactly, why can’t they frame this as a conspiracy against her in order to get the whole disgusting group?”

It’s like that old saying - I think it goes, “one bad apple has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the whole barrel.

What’s going on is a lot of bad decisions by her make-up and hair team. The severe middle part, the red eyeshadow, red lips, red hair, and the victorian collar on a black dress.

In fairness, Davis might be one of those “bad apples” that (despite a long string of previous infractions) was totally unpredictable and (despite all the assistance and cover he received from his colleagues) is totally aberrant and (despite many officers with similar cases) is not at all reflective of the force.

HE should be the one institutionalized. The amount of rage and anger and resentment and just plain evil that exists in his mind to continually work on this to get back at a girlfriend because she dared to not obey his commands or something like that...

is being held at Dauphin County Prison without bail after a district judge ruled there are no conditions Davis can meet to be released at this time”

Good.  A guy like this would absolutely be a danger to her if released.