
If you’re dead set on using fresh herbs and not finding it at the grocery store, see if your nearest garden center has them as full plants in their herbs section.

As the proud owner of one such washer/dryer with ventless condenser: the drying function sucks ass. It will steam out enough water than you can take it out without it dripping, but that’s about it. 

There’s a lack of scientific evidence because science has never bothered to look into the matter before. There’s no evidence either way. Be wary of wellness culture and the consumerism involved, but don’t dismiss women’s claims that hormonal birth control wasn’t great for their mental health just because no one’s yet

Yeah, that does sound familiar. 

I think it just makes sense from a business perspective - advice columns are wildly popular, they get shared a lot, people are driven to click multiple times to keep commenting and discussing. News, less so - people read the headline and keep scrolling without clicking through or commenting. And advice columns can’t

I think they were trying to be bad, too!!!! I’m so excited to find someone who agrees with me on this point. 

Jane Marie was (and is) something special. She is just an actually awful person that seems to be liked on a personal, I’d-grab-a-cocktail-with-her level by TPTB in the ladyblogosphere. Maybe it’s her makeup skills? Dunno - but I always get the impression that lady bloggers are like, “I want to hire Jane Marie for

Not gonna lie, Jezebel advice columns are always a hilarious shitshow of horrible advice, so I’m really looking forward to having something to mindlessly eat popcorn to.

I rewatched this very recently (b/c quarantine, and it was free), and the way that Steve Martin and Diane Keaton go over to the in-laws and are like “omg, their house is SO HUGE, they are SO RICH”... like they have some humble cottage that would be lucky to be called “quaint” and not a kitchen and house most of us

The thing is, if The Rock came out as a woman AND went on HRT, The Rock would then lose a LOT of that muscle mass (and what he kept would tend to be more lower body than upper body).

That’s tough, just because gender-diverse/gender-expansive/gender-fluid/non-binary encompasses so many different options. But basically, if the kid isn’t sure what direction they want to go on, put them on puberty blockers to buy time to think things over. There’s no harm in puberty blockers, other than to your

It’s actually the ban of puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones that is a bigger deal than the banning of gender-affirming surgery. Surgery is really rarely done on minors - not never, but insurances usually don’t cover it, it’s hard to find surgeons willing to perform it, etc. Surgery is becoming more common

The issue is that many trans people, and especially trans youth, are considered at high risk of suicide when they don’t receive gender affirming treatment; thus, we can consider these treatments life-saving and non-elective. The youth who want to undergo surgery as minors are usually the ones with greater dysphoria

Fenway and UCSF are both respected resources. We do not currently have data on surgery for minors, because it’s very rarely done. It’s becoming more frequent, and is in the process of being studied, but no results to report yet. There’s much more research on how puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are great. https:

Yeah, especially when you realize that if you write something that’s really nuanced and well-articulated (and god forbid, intersectional), no one will read it. But if you write something shallow and petty and that sounds like you’re off your rocker and makes people want to argue against you, suddenly you’re popular

It’s good to hear that brownfemipower is open to being contacted and interviewed at all, rather than her previous stance of “don’t contact me, don’t even mention me, generally try to forget that I ever existed online.” Maybe some day, she’ll be open to her thoughts and works being cited, quoted, and anthologized.

Yeah, this and a general decline in personal blogging. Which was of course in large part because blogging, especially controversial outrage-filled blogging, lead to burnout. So everyone that started blogging around the same time got burned out around the same time and quit around the same time. 

Relationships are work, though. Not all work is paid, nor does it necessarily make sense to change that. But they are work, and they do involve labor. Being there for someone to rant to, providing them emotional support and/or advise, scheduling future get-togethers, figuring out how to communicate with different

Also, while there’s support for parents of trans kids now, there really wasn’t until recently. It is significantly more gutsy to support your child when there’s no external support for either of you, no roadmap or published guidelines, no one to talk to about it, etc.