
IDK, I’ve definitely encountered the argument in real life. 

Yes, there are. OTOH, I haven’t really met any lesbians who agree with that logic. Even the lesbians who are partnered with trans women with penises seem to disagree with that logic and understand if lesbian means no penis to others. So I think casting that particular viewpoint as something only a TERF would believe

Seems like this would be less of an issue if students weren’t required to list their parents' incomes on their FAFSA until they were 24 while not able to compel their parents to pay for college. It's a shit rule, and if parents have no intention of paying for their kid's school (and have such a toxic relationship that

I read it, I just disagreed. He has actively championed various LGBT rights bills consistently. Civil rights aren’t the same thing as financial regulations or economic reform, so I’m not sure why Wall Street would be relevant to the question of if he is genuinely a champion of LGBT rights or merely paying lip service

He is openly gay, so LGBT issues might not be the best example. And he is actually quite further left than Hickenlooper, who was governor before him, and who really does exemplify a moderate centrist Democrat. 

Huh, I have really bad vision and my eye doc told me that distortion around the peripheral would be worse with big glasses and I'd be better off with small glasses (which has been my experience.) So I don't know that it's just a style preference. 

Nah, that’s definitely not his style. He’s a moderate liberal, not a right-wing evangelical. 

Historically, when white feminists have focused on pay equity, it’s ended up raising wages for white women but not for WoC. And for reproductive rights... WoC have histories of forced sterilization, having their children taken away, etc. that means that a lot of what they’re looking for out of reproductive rights is

Upside: If it’s not common knowledge, that means they’re far from widely-read. 

Most likely, the kid would initially identify as “they”, not he or she.

Oh, thank god, Chloe’s finally decided to be out.

Huh - I’ve only ever used a cup, save for some soups, and it’s always taken 20 min+ to pressurize.

How? Doesn’t it take 20 minutes just to pressurize? I get that it cuts down on cooking time for things like ribs that normally take hours, but every other recipe I’ve tried has taken longer to cook (and ended up slightly mushier and less tasty).

It’s probably a combo of contacting an abortion fund and using Aid Access/Women On Waves to ship abortion pills to their home. It probably requires internet access at some point, which I know many rural folks don't have, but if they could get to a library... 

No. The Pixie Cut - while adorable - is just as high-maintenance as The Rachel, because it requires getting a haircut every 10-14 days. Seriously, those haircuts look cute for about 5 days and then they grow out too much. 

You could already get a list of women who’ve had abortions by hacking abortion clinics’ patient lists. Because this is protected health information , those databases have extra levels of security, as mandated by HIPAA and HITECH, but theoretically a hacker who really wanted to do that could get in. This database would

It only screws up “researchers’ data” because so few choose it as an option; if more people chose it because they saw it as a valid way to identify, it wouldn’t mean you had such a small number of respondents with that gender identity that you couldn’t do any analysis on that category. 

I appreciate the sentiment behind teaching him to be overly cautious, but I think you’re ultimately doing yourself a disservice by teaching him that anything other than entirely sober sex is rape. It’s not hard to figure out that this is not true (after all, if it was, extremely few wedding nights would be

You don't choose who you're attracted to or which gender you identify with, but I think everyone who identifies as queer chooses it. That's the point of the queer label. 

Maybe instead of just linking to the pic of Geraldine Santoro, start showing it again as the lead pic. Conservatives have won a lot of people with their use of graphic photos. The left's refusal to do so as well might have been helpful and respectful in the 80s, but it's really just helping us lose at this point.