Why does peanut butter flavored Greek yogurt not exist?
I worked landscaping the summer after freshman year. I wanted a mental break before heading into 2x semesters or Organic chemistry. I was the only guy on a crew of 4 with any college work including the boss. The boss was an asshole with a coke problem and poor accounting skills but I liked the work, I was reliable and…
Whoa, whoa, whoa, coach Freeze, not *that* kind of ‘Trick Play’.
I’ve got a new goal for my 4 year-old sons soccer game this weekend.
My thought was that she’s picking or popping an arm zit.
Knowing nothing about Mark Jurich, I’m guessing he is 17 years old based on the content of that letter.
Scruffy needs a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
I die a little on the inside whenever I hear you too, Kirk.
sports radio dingus
Look, I remember the lead up to the 2015 Draft and I can tell you that a sizable amount of this fan base has both “actually read the FSU Investigation details carefully” and “really looked into the details of what happened at Benghazi.”
Ben McAdoo makes Eric Fucking Trump look athletic and handsome.
Apparently believing the victims of sexual assault is showing bias.
These stories are so tragic. I don’t know if I’m being morbid or dispassionate but a big part of me hopes it might be due to SCD or SCT.
I’ve never heard my son laugh as hard as he did when I farted on him. I was worried he was going to choke.