Gene Belcher's Nervous Diarrhea

My star of the morning* to you, good sir.

aka, Schilling’s Byproxy

The more important question is whether they will continue to vote for, and urge their contingencies and the public to vote for Trump.

I thought Trump went to Fordham for UGrad and has an MBA from Wharton?


Starred it, then un-starred, then re-starred it, THEN UN-STARRED IT AGAIN, so I could Re-re-star it. And it’s still not enough starring.

Read the first two paragraphs and decided to GTFO. This whole story is manufactured outrage about manufactured people.

Fucking fire extinguisher truthers. Smh.

Anyone excited for the new Luke Cage show on NetFlix?

I’d be an angry guy looking for someone to blame if my acne scars were that bad, too.

This. A million, billion, trillion times this.



Trump oscillates between carny and supervillain so quickly, it’s no longer possible to tell the difference.

+1 super shitty ‘rap’ video.

Giada DiLaurentis : Italian Accent :: Mario Lopez : Spanish Accent

This guy is... just the fucking worst. A pox on him, his campaign and his awful children.

Regarding the elbow/arm position, I guess it means that when the bar comes down to your chest, it doesn’t make contact on your chest by your armpits but lower, maybe just below your nipples?

Less so. I can sit on that chair. I have no use for kid rock. Well, maybe as like, an anchor for a canoe. Or to prevent my car from rolling down a hill.

Or, y’know, don’t install the update the minute it comes out. Give Apple a couple days month or so to see if they need to un-fuck anything everything.